It's official!!!! Evo....R32....GTO....F355....


I just wish I could afford any of them…lol


Old news, but sweet none the less

Naw, the law was passed a bit back, but the list wasn’t revised yet back then. They were still listed as inadmissible.

Seeing as I posted this a few hours after the list was renewed…how is it old news?

so are you saying it is legal to import an EVO now?

that is interesting…

and by GTO you mean Pontiac GTO?

Yarr, and Golf R32zz. And whatever else is importable now that wasn’t before.

But the import age laws still apply no? Or are we now able to get like… S15s and R34s legally on the road?

That’s the only thing I’m confused on… Is it only cars that were legal in the USA but not here? Or like, how does that part work?

I understand that this law basically just makes the bumper law the same in Canada as it is elsewhere, but I thought the 15 year rule would still be in place… Some one expand on this please?

what happened to 15 year law being changed to 25 years?
or is this something different?

This is something different, that’s why I’m asking for clarification from people who actually know the answer.

But I have a feeling this’ll just get littered with theories and crap from people who don’t know what the hell is actually the case.

Sweet! Doesn’t mean that R34s and S15s will be coming in anytime soon, but at least I can get some sweet EDM tyTe Renaults!

No Evo for me though… Mitsu = :frowning: If they’re didn’t give us the Evo this whole time, why should I like it now? Nissan at least gave us a few contender cars… If its a 4-door 4WD, I’m going to have to stick with a Subaru…

Updated list, but old news.

he means mitsubishi gto

Haha…Not really, he means the Pontiac GTO, the Mitsu GTO has been admissible for a long time now.

Just so everyone is clear, this means that 95% of the cars that were not admissible in Canada FROM THE USA ONLY are now admissible for import, this includes all Ferraris, older M3s, Pontiac GTO, VW R32, Mitsu Evo and many, many, many others. That’s right, the VW R32 and the Evo are now 100% legal in Canada!!!

This does NOT regard any imports from cars coming from outside the USA. Also, it is only valid for cars originally sold in the USA, R33/R34 Skylines legal in the USA cannot be imported under this law into Canada.

Thank you. That’s what I figured I was just looking for clarification.