It's white again v. Psphinx81 Detailing Review

My car’s paint was absolutely battered this winter. Chino can attest to this; Subaru’s paint seems to attract small metal flakes which just sit on the topcoat and rust. The white was actually a disgusting tinge of yellow by the time Paul got around to detailing it this weekend. :barf:

Paul had the car for about 7 hours (yikes!), 4 of which were spent clay-barring to get all those surface impurities out. The transformation was absolutely incredible, I wish I snagged before shots of the paint up close, but believe me it was yellowed and housing an unbelievable amount of dirt and swirls. Here’s a few shots of it after Paul finished buffing and waxing it. I tried to catch the reflections off the paint, but it was difficult with the white. If anyone’s in the market to have their car detailed, I vouch for Paul’s work in this department. :tup:

And just a crappy cell phone pic, but for some reason I really like how the car looks from this angle:

Looks good!! I wish I didn’t have a wedding to attend yesterday or Paul and I could have tag teamed it. I helped him wash it before I left and it was in rough shape.

Loving that white :tup: Looks excellent!

Looks great.

Pauls the man ! Looks super nice.

Looks great!


Paul is indeed the man. Did amazing work on two cars for me. Looks good :tup:


Where are the before pictures? It would be cool to see the difference.

thanks for coming to me geoff. this car was definately in rough shape. like geoff said it took me 4 hours busting my ass with the claybar to get the rail dust BS off… i dont know how this always happens to these cars, jim’s ended up the same way but geoff’s car was 10x worse. glad you enjoyed the results bud! no more yellow car for you lol.

Great job! psphinx details always look top-notch.

Looks nice now…
The crap in your paint is probably from the fresh Tonawanda air.

So, whats a good hand job go for these days?

Fav. Color by far. Looks great

I used to get that buildup of “rail dust” all the time on my white mazda. PIA to remove, a bar of claymagic worked wonders though.

There’s a white car across the street from me that’s practically brown lol.

I have the same fucking problem with rail dust. I have to reclay again.after the bumper is done I may just have you detail it

Looks awesome. My car needs a detail bad. Where do i get in line?

Looks killer. Great work man! Open for biz?

yayy for clean car

nice! still want you to do mine, i just have had ZERO time to get mine ready for ya…

I wouldn’t want to drive it after…