iTunes WTF!!!!!!!!11

I vowed never to buy an iPod, but I got a touch from work, so I figured I would use it. I had a cheap mp3 player and used windows media player. It worked great, any cd I ripped would populate the names and album art and would play anything I downloaded off the net.

Is there anyway to have itunes bring up the album art without having to pay for it? Do I have to download everything off of itunes now so it’s compatible with the ipod?

If this thing wasn’t so cool I would have thrown it against the wall by now.

Yeah, iTunes should do it automatically if you’re on the internet and logged into an account. You don’t have to have purchased the music, it just needs to be labeled appropriately.

iTunes will get the album artwork if you have a account. And iTunes does get the album artwork if you rip a cd, and if it was properly ripped to begin with it would be in iTunes.

if you dont like itunes try songbird. i personally havent used it but ive heard many good things about it.

ok I didn’t right click and search the artwork, I just thought it would pop up like media player. I heard about songbird, I was going to try it if I couldn’t get the album covers up.

Are there any programs that will find the names of songs from a mixed cd that was ripped? Renaming takes forever.