I've been zapped....by me....

Holy old thread.

I slacked off a lot my first two years of college. Then I realized that if I could just get my shit in gear for the next two years, it would be DONE. So I did. I focused and graduated. With a degree that doesn’t mean shit and hasn’t helped me get a job, but I still did it.


open an image file with notepad.

copy and paste into a word document.



don’t copy paste it all though, because i bet that some professors are on to this… maybe just half. Don’t want your professor opening it w/ photoshop and seeing a gif of you licking your dad’s asshole.


I slacked off a lot my first two years of college. Then I realized that if I could just get my shit in gear for the next two years, it would be DONE. So I did. I focused and graduated. With a degree that doesn’t mean shit and hasn’t helped me get a job, but I still did it.


lol i am/will be in the same boat after next semester…lucky for you, you got your ass in gear after 2 years…i fucked up for 3 years, and now am a super senior, paying out the ass for a degree that will only require me to go to more school, then if i’m lucky i’ll find a practice willing to take me in…


open an image file with notepad.

copy and paste into a word document.


MAKE SURE TO CHANGE SOME PARTS OF IT THOUGH… if they are not idiots with computers they are just gonna try common extensions such as .jpg .bmp .doc etc etc,… and then u will be screwed…


don’t copy paste it all though, because i bet that some professors are on to this… maybe just half. Don’t want your professor opening it w/ photoshop and seeing a gif of you licking your dad’s asshole.


beat me to it…

I ended up just suckin it up and writing it on time

yah I got a 31% out of 100% on my one final and it netted me an A

I’m the #1 procrastinator of all time. I always did the minimal amount of work possible to coast through the year, until finals. I remember sitting in the Fredonia library for 5 days straight, hidden in the cold dark back corner. When they closed for the night, I would end up sitting in the computer lab until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I pulled a few No-Doz all-nighters. Eventually I started to completely lose it since I was surrounded by complete silence for so long. I managed to write 4 long papers in 4 days, with several tests thrown into the mix. And I did pretty damn well. To this day I have to lump tasks together with a deadline to get anything done, thats just how I work. :gotme:

yeah… car forums>typing papers

reason why i have like 4-5 due this week… fuck

I am screwing myself over right now.

I should do work.

do work!


I am screwing myself over right now.

I should do work.

do work!


everyone i talk to online right now should be doing papers, but instead wasting away their life on the car forums :slight_smile:


I am screwing myself over right now.

I should do work.

do work!


lol me too…

have some work to do, then i have to start studying…for an exam…that’s in 9 hours…

Stupid forums.


My turn to bump this thread…with tonight’s to-do list:

8 page ethics final
4 page ethics paper (from earlier in the semester)
5 page behavior modification final
4-5 page abnormal psych term paper

then find time to study for the Dinosaur’s final at 10:45AM tomorrow.

All papers have to be done tonight, because immediately following the exam tomorrow, i have to go to work…

Cheers… :beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2::beer2: … to a full semester of partying and relaxing, followed by one night of hell…i have no regrets.

Online classes FTW… Each class is 9 weeks long, I don’t find out my assignment until the week its due, 3 assignments due per week on a certain day anytime before midnight. Easy shit too since I have classmates that have been out of school for 20+ years.

why oh why did it take me all these years to realize that Courier New is acceptable for MLA format…ugh…4 lines times new roman = 7 lines courier new…fuck me…all the hours i’ve wasted…

i have an exam tomorrow

and i am reading this
