One good thing about florida weather is the sky is cloudy but not all grey like pittsburgh. I made the clouds grey for a more dramatic look. Blue skies and white clouds aren’t very meanicing.
I can’t really edit what the car looks like, but I was more concerned about how the cloning of the big silver truck went behind the bushes right over the headlight or the left.
that part looks good but the cloning out the telephone pole didn’t seem to go so well IMO.
edit: yeah, the truck part looks awesome, but there is a definite line where it looks like you might have hit the edge of what you were cloning. It starts right above the roof, on the same axis as the center of the front wheel.
I like what your trying todo with the top two… But how bout having a still of the breaking dancing guy with no transparency, then have the actions around him transparent? (I dunno what your working with, but just a thought :bigthumb:)
The top one I did do a regular shot of him doing a flair with the shirt showing. I wanted to do something different for those.
I’m still learning off camera ligthing. I was really mad for the picture of the chick in the car. I only had one light. I’ll post up some more with 2 light setup that looks alot better.