J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)


and this is why its pointless to do shit like this, “he said she said” bullshit…but hey, i know what happened, and i’m sure people know me well enough that they know i don’t make shit like this up. you can deny it all you want, i know it happened.


LOL, I wonder, could maybe the reason that NOBODY has ever mentioned this be the fact that;

  1. It didnt happen quite like you say?
  2. It didnt happen at all?
  3. You were never sure what happened, but found it convenient today?

Am I the only one who finds it odd that we were “friends” for that time and a LONG time after… yet I/no one ever heard about this as far as I know? You didnt get on my case up until a year or two ago for whatever reason.

And in the end, it all boils down to this:

  1. Its a notoriously bad engine when it comes to rod bearings
  2. RTV doesnt “Shred” by itself… that happens when its scraped off and NOT CLEANED OUT
  3. You have an oil pressure gauge AND an idiot light. Apparently you either proved yourself an idiot, or there is just a little more to this story.