J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)

Final GTS blew the welds clean off of the intake of my WRX all because he said it would be fine after he touched it and installed a high pressure double pumper NOS fogging carb in place of the throttle body.

This resulted in my kitchen catching fire rupturing a faulty gas line that HE installed clear on the other the house all because it was sealed with a bunch of Elmer’s Wood Glue. Shortly after the ensuing explosion caused by a faulty fan (Also installed by him).

Resulting in a bunch of kittens flying out the window, at which point he swung at them with a baseball bat he had conveniently brought with him. Considience I think not, he was ready for it!

Shortly after J&J stopped by and finished off the BDR Shadow like it was simply a feeble fly being swatted with one of those electric fly swatters. (Which are fucking awesome by the way)