J&J Shafts yet Another Customer (7/12/07)


Because get this…it was a JOKE



Okay, if it’s a joke or not, a majority of the nyspeed / WNY community are not friends with or don’t really know ( or care to know ) J+J or a majority of the other domestic meatheads ( i’m not even including you in this example btw ).

Anyways, my point is that the story is so believable that it just advanced everyones’ negative opinions of J+J. Did Jackstands ( got that from the other thread, it’s pretty funny ) really steal someone’s money? Who knows but 8/10 members wouldn’t doubt it :shrug: I suspect he could care less about his reputation on wny boards after it’s already been tarnished by 1000x threads over the last 5 years, but why add fuel to the fire?

Oh well… whatever