Just wanted to say thanks again to Jammer for doing a very thorough home inspection on a house my Wife and I recently purchased. Having Jammer do the inspection really gave me piece of mind and left me with little to no worries on such and expensive investment. His paperwork was as professional as they come and his attention to detail leaves little to the imagination. I HIGHLY recommend using his services to anyone who is looking to buy a house, or even knows of a family member or friend who is going to be buying a house. It’s also nice to patronize a local business. Just wanted to say thanks again Jay for everything!
Jammer does indeed do good work. Good to hear bud.
I hear he gives out handies for references :ninja
+1 he did mine too!
he did inspections for my dad too with the same results
Jay’s legit as hell. And I’ve also heard that handy rumor.
I might actually owe him a handy for finding the flaws in my fire place/chimney.
jammer came to my house one time and inspected something but wasnt my house thanks big boi!