
haha wow some people are unbelievable… lets see, u call on the phone, say everything is cool, thanks for taking care of that… come on the internet cock fest and badmouth a buisness, why do u not just speak up on the phone when you call, say u have a problem with the time frame, say u have a problem with the parts that are ordered, say u wanna shop around yourself for the parts if you think you can get a better deal, if u wanna go buy some high dollar aftermarket crank or rod go ahead, and then have to wait for it to be shipped, but nope, instead call on the phone say everythings cool act like everythings cool, come on the internet and make people look bad. would it be more right to CALL and TALK to the buisness your dealing with about this matter OR just do it on the computer where they won’t see what your saying, all while they are still doing the work on your parts. i sure wouldn’t wanna work on somebodys stuff while they are putting the bad word out there all to make 20 dollars off off of them.

Customer is always right? Yep thats true, but first the customer would have to call the buisness and say he/she has an issue… which to my knowledge never happened… otherwise, everything that was brought up by pyschopjs on the internet would have been on the table and delt with the right way. lack of communication is a bad thing.

This is just my opinion,