Japan before and after

Being a Civil Engineer, this type of shit amuses the hell out of me

That coupled with the fact that it seems like most local municapilties and NYSDOT in general seem to think that whenever there’s a pothole the best course of action is to throw a few inches of superpave asphalt and you’re finished.

It’s laughable because although for the short term asphalt patching is quick and cost efficient, long term full depth pavement replacement is a hell of alot more efficient. Although there is more labor and cost involved up front associated with full depth pavement replacement, when done properly full depth pavement replacement can resolve the pothole issue so you don’t end up having to come back and patch the same damn pot hole 10 times over the course of the next decade. :ponder

Back to the OP that is some serious work that has been done by the Japenese Government to clean up all that crap over the course of the past six months.