Official Tsunami discussion *pic*

Unless I’m mistaken, this hasn’t been brought up on SON yet.

I’m hearing estimates reaching into the 400,000 range. :shock:

I’ve seen a few other pics and vids and this is just nuts. Worst disaster ever.

Some pics of before/after math:

If you want the video links to some of the amature footage, and crazy updates (found something that was updated 3min before I got there) check out It has some of the most indepth stories and coverage I believe, and includes links to other sites such as Tiepei times and foreign coverage.

Also a little interesting fact I found, from a website called

US funding for tsunami disaster relief approx 35million
1 day of War in Iraq approx 177million

pretty crazy…

This is undescribable.

We all need to pray for these people.

Yeah, that is terrible. Some friends returned from there (thailand) a few days before it happened.

Some of their families are still there, luckily they were a further inland and were not hit by it. My friends were visiting some of the beaches that were hit though days before it happened… it’s crazy to think that they could have still been there …

*** WARNING ***

*** WARNING ***

*** WARNING ***

The following picture contains an extremely graphic scene. It depicts a mere fraction of the total devastation but is nonethless extremely powerful. I do not know what area or even what country this was taken in, but I believe this was shot in Ruumiita, which I think is in Indonesia. If you have a weak stomach, I -strongly- advise you to stay away from this link. Consider yourselves warned.


I forget where I read it, but the enormous plaque that moved, moved an insane amount – in relation to most earthquakes. So insane that we’re talking about billions and billions of tons of water that has been displaced… That water now has to go/stay somewhere… we’re talking about water levels changed drastically forever.

True disaster, terrible what people are suffering over there.

Not only did water levels change, but the force of the shockwave and the shifting of the plates actually caused the earth’s rotation to speed up and wobble slightly on its axis.

The atomic clock is now inaccurate by about 23 seconds.

Just the shear scale of it all is so mind boggling!

These people (those who survived) need more than prayers and shocked responses; they need our help! I know I’m going to look into donating to whatever charities/relief funds I can, and probably send in some non-perishable food items, etc.

This is far from over people… they’re saying the resulting disease and plagues from rotting, decomposing corpses; washed up sewage; etc. could so much as DOUBLE the death toll if something is not done fast.

It is my sincere hope that everyone I know, whether directly affected by this disaster or not, does something to help with the relief effort!

Wow… That pic is SERIOUSLY graphic… That’s some serious bad luck… And to think it could’ve been avoided with better communication between countries :frowning:

that picture really puts what happened in to place.

It is an unbelivable tragidty, and very very unfortunate. I think the picture that upset me the most so far was the sweedish kid on the front of the toronto star the other day. Went for an xmas vacation and ended up an orphan loosing parents and 2 brothers.

holy shit i havent seen any graphic pics like that from it yet… that’s insane…

Can someone sort of drescribe the picture in a simple way because I’m not sure if I actually want to click it… haha. I’m no good at graphic stuff.

if you been to a beach, imagine alot of seeweed washing on the shore that covers around 3/4 to 1/2 of a football field (only visible in picture)…

… now replace each seeweed w/ a person…

it’s very sad…
natural disasters are never preventable
so all we can do now is the help those to survive by donating

UNICEF Canada online at, or 1-877-955-3111. Donations can also be mailed in to UNICEF Canada, 2200 Yonge St., Suite 1100, Toronto, Ont., M4S 2C6

World Vision Canada online at, or call 1-800-268-5528

The Red Cross online at, or 1-800-418-1111 - the 24-hour toll free line accepts Visa and Mastercard. You can also mail a cheque made payable to the Canadian Red Cross, earmarked “South East Asia Earthquake and Tidal Wave Relief” to Canadian Red Cross National Office, 170 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2P2. Donations of goods won’t be accepted

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (C.C.O.D.P.) online at, or 1-888-664-3387, or you can mail a cheque to Development and Peace, 5633 Sherbrooke St. East, Montreal, Que., H1N 1A3. The cheque should be marked “Tidal Wave Disaster.”

Oxfam Canada online at or 1-800-466-9326.

You can donate to a Sri Lankan relief effort at two locations in the G.T.A. First aid kits, tents, tarps, basic construction tools, small generators, portable radios, flashlights and clothing can be dropped off at the following locations: 210 Silver Star Bvd.,Unit 801, Scarborough, Ont. (416) 298-7289 and 780 Burnamthorp Rd., Unit 11, Mississauga, Ont. (647) 321-7188

Also, you can make donations at any Toronto police station

Christian Children’s Fund of Canada Donations can be made at following the link to “Devastating Earthquake and Tsunami Hit South Asia”. As well, donations can be marked as Earthquake and Tsunami Relief and sent by mail to: Christian Children’s Fund of Canada, 1027 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M1W 3X2. Donations will help provide emergency food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment and construction of housing.

copied that from pulse24

I think this deserves another post from me:

I found this link that someone made that has all the links to charties where donations can be made

I don’t think they take perishable foods

I’m overwhelmed by the support I see on tv.
People of every colour, race, religion have come together
and united to help in this disaster and that shows how thoughtful
human beings can be.
But unfortunatly there’s another side which can also show
how cruel mankind can be running after money and power,
so instead of wasting 100’s of billions of dollars in the
war in iraq that money could have gone to help the
Tsunami victems. IMAGINE 100’S OF BILLIONS.

I pray for the victems and their families.

Actually, this one was very preventable, seismologists in California were well aware of it more than an hour in advance and were frantically trying to contact someone to tell them to evacuate. Even by foot, this would’ve given them enough time to get to safety.

wow, that I didn’t know
I don’t think they’ve done much…if they knew it was this bad…

cali man would have called some high guy in the americano political place (president, anyone up there) , and that guy to the overseas official…

maybe that would have saved alot of popele…


cali man talking to overseas official will not go thru

sigh… they knew, and they just sat there and watched…

actually scientists predicted large activity on the tectonic plates about 1 year ago and warned sorrounding countries well in advance but these countries did not want to put a large finacial dent in their tourism economy.

i dunno about you guys but i rather loose a years worth tourism income then to loose everything from a business perspective.

ill see if i can find the link about the predictions about an year ago.

an hour to evacuate a whole city? good one.

This is so sad :cry:
To begin with, these people had nothing, and now they have lost their lives as well. You see all these companies and countries donating money, but in the end it is for their own good. Look at the U.S, they donated 36 million, of which is supplies that must be bought from U.S. companies, as a result who will be making profit? The US economy. Sure it will help out the countries in need but they wouldnt do it if they recieved nothing in return. Also, bush said that his AID coalition is Japan, India and the U.S, and by agreeing to join this “AID” commitee, the other countries assume all responsibilities accustomed to it. These responsibilities may include; purchasing relief aid directly from US companies. Bush has already thrown in a politcal standing into this dreadful disaster. Although it may look like a good deed, you must look at the bigger picture to decide. I plan to donate some money myself, I think everyone should consider it even if it is $10 bucks, I mean really it takes you about 2 hours to possibly save 10 peoples lives. Happy New Years.