Official Tsunami discussion *pic*

US has upped it’s support to $350 Million. :shock:

If you plan on donating to the Red Cross, make sure it’s the International Red Cross. Otherwise your charity will end up in the U.S system.

man… that picture is really sad… i hope not all the people that were on that island died. i can’t believe the whole island had been pretty much destroyed. :frowning:

But yeah, I don’t know if the tsunami warnings can really help those people though, I mean, most of them do not even have tv’s or radios, and if they saw that a tsunami was coming, i’m not sure if they would want to leave everything they have. And i don’t know if they could make it to somewhere safe in 1 hour man. (Especially if the WHOLE city/town is trying to evacuated at the same time.) I wish that they had some way to stop a tsunami :frowning:

I heard that tsunami’s are created by earthquakes, and if there was an earthquake, how come no one predicted or knew that there would be a tsunami? This is really sad, seeing that so many people have lost their lives, my prayers go out to everyone who has been affected in this natural disaster.

you know that poeple died in africa because of the tsunami…

would you belive it, it took 8 hrs for the wave to get there and peple still didn’t do anything to warn them ?

Its soo sad, my family was very nervous about it because we have relatives in thailand :frowning:

Hey peps,

Just some info for the members. It’s a horrible thing what’s happened out in SE Asia.

For those interested in helping, the following link will provide different channels for how one can help this crisis