Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko told members of Congress today that there is no water remaining in the fuel pool at reactor 4 at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Jaczko told members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that “we believe that secondary containment has been destroyed and there is no water in the spent fuel pool�radiation levels are extremely high, which could impact the ability to take corrective measures.”

As i said before, this is gonna get REAL bad.

sauce of the article?

Nuclear Energy Institute:


im still hopping for a mail order japanease bride, i bet their shipping out rampid now, yes:tongue

From CNN they’re saying at reactor 3 there going to start flying helicopters over the reactor to dump Sea water to keep the reactor cool and prevent further hydrogen explosions etc.

Also planning on using a water cannon to keep water in the spent fuel pool.




If the SFP water level is low enough and is exposing the fuelrods, the zirc cladding with catch on fire and that’s when all hell will break loose. That poses more of a threat than the reactors at that point.

I may be eating my words very soon. this could become the second class 7 incident on record. I heard today that they had established a secondary power grid line over to the reactors to start running really big pumps, but it’s on a knifes edge here now.

I can’t even stomach this right now.

Can someone explain worst case scenario?

I am guessing worse case means rads in atomsphere and the area won’t be lived on for a long asstime

Dude if them fucking things catch fire it’s game over for a solid 30 miles outside the plant.

Well having power is a good sign.

Ironically it’s likely from another plant.

Worst case, the zirc coated overheats and catches fire separating from the fuel rod/pellets and causes a massive fires, which will certainly disperse the material into the atmosphere and surrounding area. If that happens, the reactor areas would have to be evacuated and would at this point go into complete meltdown. The only thing at that point would be hoping the CV holds and that the steel/concrete/graphite basins hold if the core melts it’s way through the PV.

Ugly. Don’t want to even think about it at this point. All was still well in my mind until I head this shit about the SFP’s

they just said over 10k people are gone.

yesterday morning it was just a little over 3k.


def huge loss over there. fucking sucks to see.

ya srsly


The massive earthquake that shook Japan and triggered a huge tsunami appears to have shifted the Earth on its axis and moved an island of Japan, a media report said on Saturday.

Kenneth Hudnut, a geophysicist at the US Geological Survey, told CNN: “At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass.”

Reports from an Italian institute estimated that Japan earthquake shifted Earth on its axis by as much as 4 inches, CNN said.


thats crazy