Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

thats wat i was telling you yesterday vlad! shit was serious !

I read that somewhere too about the earths axis being tossed off a bit. I knew Japan had moved some rediculous amount, had dropped in elevation in most areas but ~5 feet on average, and that the japan side of the fault that caused this quake was UP 52 feet underwater :ohnoes

it confuses the shit out of me how a earthquake could shift the earth’s axis tho. Or how they can even get such a minimal measurement of 4 inches about it…

I know its a minimal ammount given the size of the earth, but have they talked about if it could cause any adverse effects?

I’m sure it does/will. A minor tilt of only a couple degrees can fuck shit up pretty good for us.

jesus how is that even possible?!?!?!

Did it point us more towards the sun? :lol

I dont think id have a problem with that

Four inches is not even close to degrees dude, and I know that you know that. Will it effect us? It might… but still. Not degrees lol.

I know a little about rocks but I ain’t no fucking nerd geologist :vlad

Walk four inches south and you’ll feel the difference. :lol

lol yea true that. back to REAL science in here, not this pebble moving CSBS.

Whatever you say jimmy neutron. Darn nerds and their nukular reacters :lol

hey you, shuddap! :tongue

Wayne, was anything at all of what you posted not googled five minutes prior to posting it? :rofl

the only shit i posted from google was vids. everything else i been on


and http://nei.cachefly.net/newsandevents/information-on-the-japanese-earthquake-and-reactors-in-that-region/

mostly kyodo though cuz it updates faster.


i actually was googling for new pics cause i can’t find any… and BAM. this place is FUUUUUUCKED.



yah they dont show them half destroyed on the news.

fucking dicks.

If you go here: http://jibtv.com/program/fullscreen.aspx

you can watch them drop water out of helicopters that hopefully is much more effective than it appears to be. LOL

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