JDM Place Has Moved, New Store Open Tuesday!

Hey everyone.

Well it was confirmed tonight that JDM Place will move into a new location. It will be a newer and bigger store and a much better location in the Markham area.

The new store address is 7828 Kennedy Rd. Unit 1-F (Hwy 407 and Kennedy Rd) just a few minutes north of the current location. Stay tuned for the move-in date which is expected later this month or early September.

Here is a map to the new store,

Now because of this great news, we are currently having a store wide sale on all INSTOCK items from 15%-30% off on everything! Rims will be at least 25%-30% off and other parts will have at least 15% off and up. Feel free to call, email, or post up if you see something you like on our website. www.jdmplace.com

These sale price’s are NOT on the upcoming shippment items so please don’t ask about that.

Remember to keep checking the web site for the move in date.

Thanks very much,

Phil and Bruce

Is our SON discount included on top of the sale prices?

Hey man.

Well no we can’t offer that too I’m sorry to say. That would make somethings almost 50% off and at that point, money would be lost.

Now what we can offer all SON member’s is an additional 5% off of everything (IN STOCK) on sale now. On the rims, we can do a little more as well.

That works out to be a very nice deal for you guys and we don’t take a huge loss either. Everybody wins :smiley: .

Take care.

Easy 8)

So, I can just drop by and say I’m from SON, and automatically gives the discount?

You can drop in and flash them your member card.

Bruce I need to talk to you.


Hey guys.

Well we have offically moved out of the old location now and as such, please DO NOT go to the old store as we are no longer operating from there at all.

Now as Phil is getting the new location ready he will be out of contact for a little while but for those of you who have ordered parts, no worries just contact me and I will answer your questions or concerns.

As soon as the new store is open I will update you all again.

Take care.

Easy 8)


Hey everyone.

JDM-Place has finally moved to our newstore. We are now located at 7828 Kennedy Road, Unit 1-F(Hwy 407 & Kennedy Rd), approximately 5-10 minutes north of the old store. We have also change our phone number to (905)-480-0887 and that will be in effect as of August 30, 2005. JDMP is also planning to open that day too but only in part as the renovations will not yet be completed and the final finishing touches added. As JDMP strives to provide the best to our customers, we feel this store will show that upon completion. Untill this date please contact us by email and we will reply to you as soon as possible. JDM-Place is very sorry for any inconvinence this may have caused.

We also will contiune to offer the special moving sale where ALL INSTOCK ITEMS will be 15%-30% off. Please feel free to look through our website and email us with any questions you may have.

Thank you all for you patients and understanding during all of this and we look forward to seeing you at our new store very soon.


The Staff at JDM-Place.