JDM TT < Black Hatch...

so thursday night i’m just cruisin around with Joe (91MR2) after checking out the mighty scene for a bit, trying to finish up my 500 break in miles on the new clutch and engine, and we’re on a certain road when i pull up behind a black hatch…and immediately get scared…

i check it out, looking for signs that might be able to use to distinguish whether or not it was something to worry about, or just a ricer…i noticed tires to be a bit wider than stock…ricer’s dont do this…and a muffler that didnt sound stock, but looked damn close to stock…ricers also dont do this…so i knew i was in for some fun…

pull up next to the kid, we both go on and off the throttle a few times, then i say fuck it, drop down to 3rd at about 45 (shoulda gone to 2nd) and floor it…hold him off for a bit, start to boost, then the boost just stops going up at 5psi…FUCK i’m still in safety boost…which is barely more than half what i should be running stock…he passes me as i top out third, and continues to pull from there…i let off because its not worth wasting the gas at this point…

we get next to each other, i show him 3 fingers, for 3 beeps…i beep, we go…this time i started in 2nd and was able to hold him off a bit longer, but that flat-lining boost kills me again, and he goes right by me…i let off shortly after again, with a car in my lane not too far ahead…we pull into a parking lot and exchange greetings and :tup: 's and turns out the kid’s had the car less than a few weeks…

it had a type r engine, other than that was pretty much stock…scooted along quite nicely…i explained to him my boost problems, and low compression problems in cylinder 6…but no excuses, a loss is a loss, i’m cool with it…

i guess he’s not on any boards, but has friends that are, and his car was tuned by jay han (todaparty on the other board)…

all in all a good time…getting in a run right after turning over my 500 mile mark, and of course, my first run had to be my first loss, and to a hatch at that…

too bad couldnt get it out sooner, and hopefully i get my boost fixed so i can get a rematch…

:tup: to a good run, and a cool kid…

see, u shoulda done a b18 swap instead

Andy, that car was not a stock Ba8C5. It had Civ Type R pistons, intake, exh, and some other things I forgot. It wasn’t heavily modded, but the pistons make a diff…

Anyways, nice kids, and that Civ scooted very nicely.

The Honda can never lose. I tried explainging it to Andy, haha.

glad to see the cars going well for yah. i saw u on north french the other day ill talk to you later on about ur car i do have some concerns


Haha, for real. SOME concerns…hey, it’s still running…well, most of the time. It actually runs pretty well. Well, when it’s running, haha.

what kind of hatch?

EF, EG, EK…???

lol that had to be Nate.

sean, its nate (if its an eg). it’s raceforvic’s old car

um why are you running in safety boost? lol

i tuned that car, not jay. thank you very much.

and if its raceforvics old car, then its djnicks old motor.

its a fucking damn good thing i am here to save you people from yourselves. now i just need to save this kid who owns the car. such is the life of a super hero.

oh, and you just got beat buy a honda with 160whp.

was a fun race, was also my first race in the car too, glad it was from a roll though, i don’t want to launch it ever. i’ve mainly been terrorizing on and off ramps on the highway.

no need to save me john i’ve moving for school so the car is going to be my DD for now… i’ve got some future plans but won’t come to fruition until a year or so, but anyhow it was a good night.

:jawdrop: how embarressing!

the car is not close to the power of a b18c5

actaully it was more like 165, and with the cool temps its probably a little closer to 170.

i wouldnt call it embarressing, but i would not suggest racing any of the other local hatches :slight_smile:

:word: :smiley:

side note, the car has a GSR head, on a type r bottom. so the car would benefit from some new cams and intake manifold alot.

Two Turbos and you cant beat an all motor hatch…hahahahahaha…figure out that safety boost crap and im sure you would have pulled hard 5 lbs to 10 lbs. is a big difference.

Give Firehawk853 a run and see what you can do…:lol: :lolham:

Thats the newest ride to beat…FAAAASSSSSTTTTT!!!:hay:

wow, i finally get my car running, not perfectly, but finally get a run in, and i’m man enuogh to post it, even though i lost…which right there is more than a lot of people on most forums can say…and i get flamed left and right for it… :tdown: to you fagorz