JDM y0

here’s some JDM vids haha…probably old…but very entertaining

wangan style…fairladys, porches, and gtr skylines…bayshore route - shuto expressway, autobahn:

kanjo style…civic hatches/coupes…kanjo toll circuit:


that kanjo crap is the most retarded thing i’ve ever seen :rofl

I personally think kanjo racing would be more fun than wangan style…but hey i’m kooky like that. :confused

you weaving through traffic randomly?

thats all that looks like to me…

at least the wangan guys had some fast cars…those were all bolt on ef hatches :wtf

but you gotta admit it takes some balls to just fucking duck in and out like that dualoverheaddan your the man lol

Bolt on hatches? Those kanjo civics are motor-swapped, turbo-boosted, tuned and fast as all hell. They mostly use EF chasis because their frames are ultra light.

'nother short japanese kanjo hatch vid :smiley:

Bunch of Kanjo EF9 and Ek9 civics lighting up a japanese speedtrap…LMAO!!!

and just for a hardy giggle…check this EF9:

lol war thread

…swerving across 3 lanes of traffic, hitting traffic cones…yeah that looks like fun “racing” wtf in the states this would me called ‘moronic’ ‘immature’ ‘reckless’ and …RICER

Wooow…he said ricer. :lol

Welp fizzle…I guess you are just way too cool to appreciate japanese kanjo racing. :crackup

To each their own…

I personally can’t get enough those vids, little hatchbacks that sound like tie-fighters from star wars bring me so much merriment. ;D

The cars are ok, and sorry to come off like a prick, but it just seems like theyre a bunch of punks with civic hatches doing stupid shit :rofl

I do agree if a bunch of teens were doing this kinda thing state-side it’d be pretty retarded. I just find it funny and entertaining because it’s over in japan.

It’s part of their culture, and according to the vid, teams have been kanjo racing for 20+ years. kanjo racers form an interesting sub-culture from a sociological view, imho.

it is pretty retarded no matter where it is done. Its not any less retarded over in JapLand. Part of their Culture?!? The domestic guys have been street racing around here for over 20 years, does that mean they can say its their culture and somehow that makes it acceptable?

this kanjo shit is stupid, and the only reason some people like it is because it’s mad JDM tyte y0!

Nah man…kanjo is sick nasty. Turbo hatch teams from hell…bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamp. I love it. I’d say mullets and camaros, BMWs and toolbags are infinitely more retarded.

another ef movie…a bunch of hatches gunning it in malaysia.

sounds like a swarm of bumble bees lmfao…