This thing hasn’t given me any problems since I bought it. But of course, as soon as I want to sell it… F.
Anyway, it seems to be having some odd electrical problems. As I drive, the voltage surges and maxes out. Everything gets brighter, turn signals blink faster, etc. But ONLY while driving. If I sit idle and in park, no issues. Whether I rev it or not.
I took it to advanced auto to test the alternator/battery and everything checked out okay. However, that test is done with the car in park.
I already took apart the major connections to clean them up and inspected the wires but that doesn’t seem like it would be the issue. Could it still be the alternator even though it’s not giving me any problems in drive?
Not sure if it’s the same with cherokees as grand cherokees, but the ECM will get retarded which is controlling alternator output, in addition to the alternator itself and sporadically do dumb shit like you’re describing. I didn’t diagnose any of the above, but running a shop, we swapped a few used PCM’s with some older jeeps with similar issues.