jeep wont start

02 jeep wrangler wont ever start after it rains

im thinking its electrical/ crank sensor

the jeep seems to have real weak fuel and gas but not enough to start
this has been happening for about year, just wondering if anyone has had this problem before

take it back to that piece of a dealer Upstate Chevy

i spent all moring fucking with the thing and got it running finally but still didnt fix the problem

i think its goin to be traded in soon but im still puzzled

need more info. does it crank but not turn over? does the fuel pump turn on? did you check all the relays? is the check engine light on?

yeah it cranks but doesnt turn over
fuel pump does kick on
relays are good
no check engine light
it doesnt throw any codes

i cleaned the plug connection going to the distribitor and it finally fired, real sluggish like not enough fuel/spark

this happens only after it rains, it runs fine in the rain. if it sits for a day and gets wet then it wont start…

ive heard of tempermentive vehicles before so does this mean the bitch wants a garage and wont settle for anything less. lol

if your fuel pump is kicking on then its most likely not that. but you could always check your fuel press. i THINK its supposed to be in the 20-40psi range (dont quote me on that). the easier option would be replace the plug wires (might be an easy fix) and check the spark off the distributor, the cap may be getting wet.

what do you have against upstate chevy? or the upstate auto group?

yea its def the dizzy same thing happened to me

Wait until it gets dark tonight, pop the hood, give the engine a real light mist with a garden hose or spray bottle filled with water. Have someone else crank it over while you watch the spark plug wires and the cap. I can almost guarantee you will see some sparks jumping to ground in the dark. If they go from the wires to ground, replace the wires. If they go from the cap to ground, replace the cap.

Any by ground, I mean vehicle ground. Aka, something metal. Not the stuff your jeep is parked on. :slight_smile:

my bet’s on dizzy or wires. they are both cheap and easy… I had a coil on my tempo that would shit out when it got wet, it could be that, too…


Any by ground, I mean vehicle ground. Aka, something metal. Not the stuff your jeep is parked on. :slight_smile:


the fact that he knew to check these things:


fuel pump does kick on
relays are good
no check engine light
it doesnt throw any codes


leads me to believe he knows what jumping to ground means.


That kid with the 3000GT, on the other hand… :roll2:

^ agreed, but you never know. Plus it was a little bit humorous.

On second thought if you see any arching, regardless of where, replace the cap and wires. Should be cheap enough on a domestic.


take it back to that piece of a dealer Upstate Chevy


you bought a vehicle from one of the “upstate” dealerships?

UGH, i bought my truck from upstate chevy/olds, now i can tell you some stories.

When you do take it in, be prepared for a list of 160000 things that HAVE to be replaced :rolljerk:
Upstate is the epitomy of the word stealership


you bought a vehicle from one of the “upstate” dealerships?

UGH, i bought my truck from upstate chevy/olds, now i can tell you some stories.

When you do take it in, be prepared for a list of 160000 things that HAVE to be replaced :rolljerk:
Upstate is the epitomy of the word stealership


People should stay away from the town of Attica all together. I highly doubt he will take it back to upstate.

The Jeep in question is from there, and I bought mine there a couple years ago when I was in a pinch after my car died and I needed a vehicle quick.

My Jeep is a good runner and has been relatively problem free AFTER I had them fix a few things (drivers door fell off, sun roof flew away on the thruway)<– both happened in the middle of winter a year apart.

my family owns the upstate auto group if you have problems take them up with daryll bork. or if your looking for a new car ill help you out there but the dealership has nothing to do with the quality of the cars you bought its simply a dealership but ill tell you this i will beat any price on a chevy toyota dodge jeep ford buick and caddy around. but for your problems they would have happened anyway you bought an american car. JUST FACTS NOTHING ELSE.

my truck “never having been in an accident” and than me finding mismatched vins and overspray on the frame isnt a normal problem


this turned into a great thread!!

anyways i will try the water trick tonight when the wife gets home with her jeep… the more i read and think about things, im almost certain its the plug wires… i cant believe i never thought of it. about 4 months ago i changed the coil, distributor cap, and rotor but never did the wires… i will try it and keep you guys posted> thanks for all the help

as far as upstate chey goes, my gf fell in love with a jeep trade in (actually auction purchase) anyways i worked them real hard on the price then traded in my 94 accord also. jeep was listed at 13,900. all said and done we paid 8k
about two weeks later i get a phone call from the owner of upstate asking me “did any money trade hands between you and our salseman” conversation went on for a while basically he accused me for paying the guy off to get a good deal…


my family owns the upstate auto group .


whose the guy that called me then, he needs to try to act more professional…

and how can i become a car salesman, i think that job would be fun

the guy used to work there he now shares ownership at the toyota dealer. they had a guy there that was doing this. i had a 2002 corvette that was listed at 29k well the day i turned it in because it was owned by the dealership i just drove it. it sold for 20 and change book on it was 28300 i think. well it ended up being his friend he sold it to. thats what started the mess. but hes long fired now. ill need some info from you like age work history and that sort of shit and ill pass it off to him.