Jersey Shore Ep#6 Update Thread

FYI to use guys…lol

I know a girl that dated Ronnie!

It’s Fucillio HYOOGE!

She liked Ronnie. Ronnie dumped her.

Ronnie is nice.

bread = Italian christmas

hahahaa thanks…that was drenched in PJBness

Fuuuuuuuuu. I’m pissed I’m missing this right now! Haha

Reminds me of my Gramm C.

It sucks, no worries

I hope your writing this down in a notebook.

get mad ronnie…

Ronnie gets a black eye?? Unimpossibles!!!

Yea, seriously, unless Ronnie starts smashing skulls this week really blew.

nope thats what this thread is for… it’s the episode cliff notes

drive thru diet… do it … do it

Im just gonna browse thru these threads from now on instead of watching :lol

Ronnie get it done.

Wife just said,last episode everyone is coming over.



oh shit mma knee to the face