Jettaphile > MRKSHARK

Some fool (MRKSHARK license plate) in a Grand Am GT with a blue stripe, altezzas, and dual fart cans dceided to run the Jettaphile on zee high way. :nono:

Dood was going kinda fast through traffic so I decided I’d see what he had. Turns out, not much. I paced him for a while till traffic opened up. I got in front and opened the VR6 up a little and walked him pretty good before he disappered in the rearview mirror. Guess Gaytezzas and dual fart cans don’t give u that much HP after all. :roll:

funny u mention a grand am…me and onyx were coming down union yesterday nite and had one come FLYING past us in the TURNING LANE doing an easy 70mph…had 2 fartcans on the back too, i think it was like dark purple

THis one was gray.

Grand Am’s are Gay…end of story

I’d have to agree.