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+1 depends on the field of work you want to get into as well. I as many others am in the IT field.

I’ll say it, I make 16/hr… For what I’m doing, thats acctualy really good pay, most “technician” jobs are around 12-14. I do everything from maintaining a small buisness server when they need it, to helping a betty white figure out how to stop getting viagra e-mails. I enjoy what I do thats all that matters to me.

To many people got into the IT field as an easy way to make money, and none of them give a fuck about the people their working for, or helping and that royaly pisses me off. We’ve had 2 technicians in here to give us a hand in the past 6 months, both of them had degrees, both of them had a ton of certs, neither one of them knew what the fuck they were doing because they dident give a fuck, they just wanted a nice paycheck. You tried to show them something, they dident give a fuck. Most of what I know is experience not from the book.

I like to think of myself as a rareity in the IT field these days, I am great with my customers/clients… They love it when I get sent over because well we usualy have a little fun joking around while Im on site. I know how to talk to people and explain shit. I also know my shit, and not afraid to admite when I don’t know something and ask for help/figure it out on my own.

TO many IT guys are hermits, and suck with people, lacking serious personalties.

You also do something that not everyone can do, or should I say are motivated to learn to do because it requires work to get into that kind of field

Golub/Hannaford … I worked at hannaford for a bit, made 14 an hour, and with how they calculate work/time there, I could get paid for 10 hours of work and only be there for 6-7