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My oldest brother is a Sr. Programmer/Analyst for the state and sent me the links (NY Civil Service site). I applied online, the test itself was at Albany High. It was for Tech. Specialist 3. I’m also going to take a test for Tech Specialist 2 (Grade 18) and Tech Specialist 2 - Data Communications (I think - also Grade 18). Those test dates haven’t been announced yet.

As far as the test went…I thought it was kinda easy. I did it in an hour. Some of the questions were regarding Project Management so I just did the best I could there. The rest was on flow charting (which was tough at first till I slowed down my thought process), management (like what would you do with an employee in this situation), and help desk (what would you ask first on a call?), etc.

Yeah I’m lucky to have a boss like that. As long as we get stuff done, she lets us enjoy our time here. She’s awesome.

I hate Novell. And being owned by another company makes it tough to get stuff done sometimes.