job sites

I will correct this for you.

They call the cashiers “Partners”. There are some “Senior Partners” out there, but they are more of a milestone than anything else. You will notice an “Assistant Manager” tag every once and a while, but it’s just a “Senior Partner” that they trust.

Rate of pay
Partners - start @ $7.25-$8.00/hr on average. Bonuses given when goals are hit.
Senior Partners - See above
Managers - Huge earning potential, much higher than partners (depending on growth, good managers make 6 figures)

Self Insured BSNENY Health (not cheap, but reasonable and coverage is above average)
Delta Dental (not cheap, but coverage is good)
Profit Sharing (very good) - An amount equal to 20% of your annual income is deposited each year, as well as growth on previous balance (compounding, 10% annual yield on average)

There are other fringe benefits if you work for Corporate, but I wont bother listing those.

And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.