job sites

Thats the dilemma Im in right now, deciding what to do next.

+infinite rep. You’re my hero.


It can take up to 6 months to get hired onto some of the higher paying ones, but it’s worth it in the long run. There’s plenty of GS pay jobs that start around $35-$40K a year, without a degree, you just need some experience.

LOL @ all the union talks… I consult to a company who is non-union, there competitor is union… We have drivers that leave our facility to move to the union because it’s “better, more money, benefits, yaddi yaddi yadda”… Within 3 months they’re begging to come back to the union free house…

Something like this. If it was a hand out, everyone would be doing. Put up the effort up front and change your life mang.

Let’s get this bitch rollin’ again.

Anyhow, yesterday I drove to JFK to pick up my sister’s cunt of a sister. We saw construction workers on the Whitestone Bridge. It’s funny because that thing has been under construction for the last 50 years. Somehow, the work never gets done… I wonder why? I noticed several construction workers starring over the edge at the Throgs Neck. Just doing absolutely nothing. I drove by so I didn’t get an exact count but I saw about 6-8 people doing nothing but 2 guys actually doing something. The one guy was walking with shit in his hand so it’s not confirmed he was actually doing something other than walking. But, I am chipper so I will add him to the “work” column just to be a good chap. However, I’d guess he wasn’t doing shit either.

Anyhow, on the way back from JFK about 25-30 minutes later, I noticed the same fucking group of guys starring off into the sunset and doing absolutely nothing. UNION SAY WHUT!? It was like the were in a trance.

On the way to get Sushi today, I noticed 3 Yonkers police cars and like 6-8 officers just standing on the side of the road BS’ing. I noticed them on the way back. But, what can you do? Cops are above the law. Just my tax money pouring down the drain.

I dropped off the wife at the MetroNorth station and driving back to Bronxville, I waited in a construction zone. I think they are re-doing the walkway but it’s been like 3-5 months and it’s sitll not done. Anyhow, 3 jamokes were just sitting on the curb looking lose in translation. I just starred at one of them and he couldn’t figure out why I was starring. Just sitting there being absolutely worthless.

And, I have saved the best for last. Car accident last week right outside my house. Car clipped another coming around the curb. Fucked the corner of the SUV ripping the rim off. The guy tried to chase after him but the rotor was on the ground.

I stopped counting but there was 1 fire truck, 3-4 cop cars, and 2 paramedics. You would have thought that an explosion went off or a shoot out with the bloods and the crips. Nope. A traffic accident. No medical attention needed. But, we had enough fire power to handle a small village. Also, a fire truck? Like 4-6 guys with full gear. What the fuck did they think happened? The car exploded?

That’s like a few days there.

Your wifes sister?

Yes. The wife’s parents had two children. One is the perfect Crystal. The other is Cassie. Like Twins. I got Arnold but Devito.

Weird logic but it works.

I was just confused… Cause you said “My sister’s cunt of a sister”…

OHHH. I got it now. Sorry, typo. :slight_smile:

More than likely the FF are there with the truck because of being understaffed and having to use the truck rather than a maned rescue rig. Timez is tuff

Unions in NYC are a different animal especially construction.

Skimmed thread. Your perfect job doesnt exist if you arent willing to work hard to get there. You barely want to work half assed it sounds like. Figure out what you want to do, dont whine about how challenging it is, and get off your ass and do it.

Fuck you PAY ME

I ‘make’ more than Jellies jerking off, and it’s fantastic


But, I see the same lazy fucks upstate.

I mean their influence and the necessity to work under one, not the laziness of their workers.