aother question… if you feel this way…then you think its fine to force a biblical story on students in a PUBLIC school, but they shouldn’t know the scientific facts behind the evolution theory.
SO whats the plan…we can teach evolution in science class m but teach creationism where? english?..its not science its a story…a belief.
a religious private school is different…i have no problem with doing both & they should teach both, but in public school its a totally different story.
a public school should not force a religion on a student…& a student should not alter a classroom by them having to cater to his religious belief/rules.
ex… my wife had a student who was muslim & the pork issue came up often…making things inconvenient (snacks/lunch, etc…)…thats BS.
i told he to take in some bacon for him many times.
its total BS & totally pisses me off…you don’t eat pig cause it “dirty” but you eat chicken…shut the fuck up you moron.
sorry…i’m getting angry just thinking about it…its its getting off topic.