NYC School wont allow "God Bless the USA" song at graduation


It was to be the rousing finale of their musical show at the June 20 commencement. The kids, dressed up for their big day, would wave tiny American flags — which, as the lyrics proclaim, “still stand for freedom.”

But Hawkins marched in on a recent rehearsal and ordered a CD playing the anthem to be shut off, staffers said.

She told the teachers to drop the song from the program.

“We don’t want to offend other cultures,” they quoted her as explaining.

The curt edict stunned both staff and parents.

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Fuuuuuuck that horse shit!

As lame as it gets. That’s like saying we won’t be playing the national anthem at the olympics if we win to keep from rubbing it in the other contender’s faces. Fuck this shit.

You guys are surprised?

This country doesn’t want anything to do with God (the reason it was first founded). I’m surprised people even say God Bless America in song or in general speech now; this country ditched God long ago. They might as well remove “God” from such songs, the currency, etc.

Anytime you tell someone you actually believe in God, you get one of these looks (my presence on this site is pretty good evidence of that - all the ridicule I’ve gotten for my beliefs):

How does “god bless USA” offend other cultures??

That’s because even during extremely religious times the men were smart enough to bar fanaticism from a new free world.

It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words “God,” or “Creator,” “Jesus,” or “Lord.” None of these words ever appears in the Constitution, neither the original nor in any of the Amendments. This lack of any these words does not mean that the Framers were not spiritual people, any more than the use of the word Lord means that they were. What this lack of these words is expositive of is not a love for or disdain for religion, but the feeling that the new government should not involve itself in matters of religion. In fact, the original Constitution bars any religious test to hold any federal office in the United States.

The reasoning behind replacing the song is stupid. New choice of the song is even dumber. I’d be offended to be forced to listen to Bieber on any day of significance to myself.

Legit would rip my fucking diploma in half on stage and tell everyone to fuck off. FUCK OTHER CULTURES.

:rofl :rofl


would tell my kid to do the same

tossed on facebook because this makes me rage so bad

For once I am in total agreement with you.

Offend other cultures?! If I was a parent I’d bring a stereo in there blaring god bless America and I’d tell anyone who felt offended by the song to pack your shit and leave the country.

schools have always been like this though. I remember in elementary we could have a Christmas party cause of the damn Jews. It was a holiday celebration

what I really never understood was the “separation of church and state” yet all our money says “In god we trust” and has religious symbols all over it and most presidents have to act all in love with god and such BS.

fuck other cultures im in america and i wanna here some god damn american support, for once. bunch of pussys i tell ya

Oh she’s black, that’s why.


Don’t most other cultures call their higher power “god” Or at least refer to them as a type of god as well? I’m not religious at all but don’t give a flying fuck if I hear the word god in a song. Bieber however makes me want to strangle infants.

Oh and it’s doing shit like this, that you think is fair and appropriate, that leads to kids being pieces of disrespectful shit these days. Because they are taught songs touting the country they live in are wrong because someone out there may not like it therefore it must be bad to have a sense of pride where you live.

Political candidates have one point - to be elected. If you’re anti religious - you won’t get elected in this day and age it’s just about as simple as that.

The use of “in god we trust” on currency historically has been nothing more than cheap shot propaganda to differentiate yourself from the “bad guys”. Coins during the civil war and currency changed to it during the cold war replacing the old motto “Out of many - one”.

It’s pretty much unconstitutional but no politician will ever dare to propose to get rid of “god” somewhere. It might as well be a political suicide.

Out of many - one is still on money. It’s just Latin and is e pluribus unum.