Joe Biden

While I’m out trying to educate myself, perhaps you could obtain a globe and show me where exactly the four corners are, take a pic and post.

Because verses in the Bible regulate certain aspects of slavery, doesn’t mean it condones it. The Bible did not outline the setting up of the practice of slavery, it merely set certain rules around the practice that already existed.

That might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen posted on this forum that wasnt in a post made by Cutty. The Bible certainly didnt set up murder, but it abolishes that. This book is supposed to have come down to man FROM GOD, to teach us how to live our lives. So if it DOES NOT abolish slavery, OBVIOUSLY it condones it. I mean are you fucking serious? Thats a level of stupid I’ve never heard from you. I must say I’m impressed.

Kind of like the Constitution of this country…just a long time beforehand. Should we scrap the whole Constitution because it was written at a time when slavery was legal, and black people were only considered 3/5 of a person?

Constitution: living document, written by man, never reinterpreted, designed to be able to change with the times and be AMENDED.

Bible: non-living document, written by “god”, handed down to man in a time when the only way to really recount something like this would be through word of mouth. It’s been revised, reinterpreted countless times over thousands of years. Like a 2000 year long game of telephone.

Lol @ your Christianity. God can suck a fat wad of my cum right out of the Virgin Mary’s asshole.