Joe Biden

Which happens on both sides of the coin. Any service I attend where the words, “What this means is” are spoken about a verse by the priest/minister/whatever… is the ticket for me not to be back to that church. Which happens all too often.

I believe in a higher being. I like the story of the bible and believe that if most religions have the same basic root, then there has to be something to it.
I’ve tried many different religions. No single one has worked for me, however bits and pieces of many combined have. I’ll attend a service here and there, but hate being told what their belief of the intent of any single passage is.

I’m just saying, it goes both ways. Words are spun easily to fit the ideals/views of anyone spitting out the verse. To interpret any passage in a book that’s been translated so many times… shit, you can’t even tell a story today and expect it to be exactly the same as you’d told it two days from now, in both meaning, and tone. And that’s when it stays in the same damn language you’d told the story in the first place.

I just read “Misquoting Jesus” by Bart Ehrman. Very interesting read by someone who should know what he’s talking about.

But, as mentioned, you can’t argue with the religious. They believe in their truth because that was what was taught to them. Until I get confirmation from Jesus himself… I’m not entirely sold.