Joe Biden

Exactly, anyone could come up with the name of a news source, but it’s pointless to give a specific source, because there is no way it could work in your favor.

it’s an irrelevant question to begin with… that’s my point!

Depends on the person asking. In her case, I think it might be relevant for her to try to get Palin to slip up. She stands to gain a significant amount of money if Obama is elected, as I’ve read that she has a book slated for publication the day after the election that praises obama and how he’s going to lead our country in the right direction.

Before everybody gets all bent out of shape, McCain has said he was OK with her not being completely impartial. There is a youtube clip of it, although I didn’t watch it with sound so I dunno what he says or the tone that he says it. Food for thought though. Also, the day after the election we get to read Michelle Obama’s racist senior thesis when she was at princeton. That should be a gem LOL

it saddens me that people like you get to vote without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

(read it here)

fuck the whole family. both of them are racist

this has really bothered me lately…talking to people who are voting one way or the other for some stupid BS reason, or some info from a commercial they saw.

its VERY sad.

I almost think you should have to answer some questions to be able to vote…like give me 3-4 issues each candidate supports/apposes.


if someone says to me, “i’m voting for McCain because I stand to lose a lot of money on capital gains taxes if Obama wins, and i also think we need to be in iraq” i can respect that; they’ve made a decision based on legitimate issues that matter to them.

if someone says, “i’m voting for McCain because Obama is a Muslim who hates America,” I’m compelled to hit them with my car.

What if your voting strictly for Obama cause he pretends to be black?


are you serious?

Any Obama supporters going to take on this question?

Completely. If you don’t believe me, let’s do a practice interview, you be Palin and list some news sources, as many or few as you like. Then I’ll ask you a bunch of questions based on those answers, and we’ll see whose credibility it hurts more, the dumbshit reporter (who is one of a thousand), or the Vice Presidential Candidate (one of a handful, but as far as most of the country is concerned, one of two).

We can start a new thread for this if you want.

i was ignoring it.

foxrus is one of those idiots who thinks obama isn’t really black, he’s an arab muslim.

oh he is black but only like 4%. if he wants to play that card great. But he is 50% white too. but he mentions nothing of that.

Any mccain supporters vote for him because he is white? Get real, a lot of this election is a race issue, whether its in prime media or not!!!

Sad that anyone thinks any candidate should mention anything about race. Who cares? Unfortunately, a lot of people in this country do.

I’m glad he’s not playing the race card on any race he’s made up of. It doesn’t matter.

If you believe this, then you really do not understand how our government actually functions.

What does the word a heartbeat away from death mean to you? He’s not the youngest president, he deff has cancer, plus the 5years as POW ain’t helping him much. So, she is running on his card and if something unfortunate were to happen, guess who is president?

He meant the VP is nowhere near the 2nd most powerful person in the world. Furthermore, most of the high-level officials are puppets with a lot less influence than any of us were taught in our pathetic school system.

Take a crash course on the ruling class, GIYF:
CFR, Bilderberg group, Trilateral commission, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Federal Reserve

Beat 90 touched on it, but the Speaker of the house and Senate majority leader have much more power than the VP does. When it comes to activitites that influence our lives and the direction of the country, the VP has little power.

my bad for all those who could grasp what i meant… like kilmer said…she is very close to being president…that was my point…& that is VERY SCARY!! just her stand on evolution is frightening…& her thought of the time line of dinosaurs in correspondence with “her biblical beliefs”…wow some things whether you like it or not are scientific fact. my 3yr old son who is a dino freak knows more about dinosaurs then her. anyone who is that brainwashed with religion…i question their ability to make a rational decision.

very well put!

Well, Once you start going down that slippery slope, it opens all sorts of scenarios up(Such as Nancy Pelosi being next in line…now how fucking scary is THAT?). Bottom line is she isnt running for president, and the thought of BHO actually getting elected is VERY SCARY. Anyone who has any associations with ACORN is scary!