you all are a bunch of homos and posting on here doesnt meant i want to have friendships with you :nana



I’m guessing your parents sold the car from underneath you and you reported it stolen or something?

sounds like his parents let it go for half of what he wanted

Punch your mom in the face… or take her to small claims court…

Lets take it back, I have an extra Black Honda Dash with Vin and Title :ninja

No Stallmer! We’ll have my uncle import a mad JDM type-R from Japan once he gets to the Philipines and use that to register it here. :ninja

Yeah i was thinking that actually. Might just do that someday :banana
What’s goin on in here??

that dont scare me… get a pic of a debo cop with a tazer gun/REAL buddy club.

then ill be :ohnoes

umm… details!

sounds like someone bought a car of yours through your parents. I dunno what can be done if they signed the title and over and such. From the very little that has been said it sounds like it’s your parents fault, not the buyers. Clear this up with some details!!!

sounds like the new owner is gonna get pwned

i would say that it isnt the persons fault who bought it, and no they wont be detained, your parents are in the wrong here, if it truely is the case that they sold it from under you

:giggedy :giggedy

Sounds like there’s a lot of holes in this story.

Wow seriously, your an idiot…

You trusted your parents to sell the car, if they sold it for the wrong price than what you wanted etc that was your parents fault. If the title is signed over with proof of purchase (receipt) then they will not err cant detain him, DMV are not cops you moron. I’m sure he will have no problem getting the car registered. As for you telling him your going to smash out his windows, seriously I hope he’s on here and knows who you are because I can’t wait to see the cops harass you for having threatened to smash out his windows and when it actually happens have proof of it from you posting on here.

no, nothing’s going to happen.

oh trust me sumthing will happen. been there done that. not as bad as he may think. all u got to do is go to dmvand appy for a duplicate title then there fucked.

i went down this road b4. i actually still have the title to my toyota in my desk. from a fucked up deal like this.

it’s a long drawn out ordeal and nobody wins… unless u and the person come to terms or they change the vin.

but youll can believe or think what u want. there is no real perfect out come to this situation…

I would be willing to bet somebody owes their parents money. This story is sketchy. You cant report a car stolen cause you got skrewed on a deal. If that were the case I should report half of my previous cars stolen cause I got F#$%ED. :crackup

lol, que?