Thank you. Im one of these Joe legals who went to school to make the 20 something dollars an hour. Illegals and the non union companys that hire them fuck us. Do you realy want a bunch of untrained mexicans fixing your bridges, parking garages, sidewalks and other shit you use on a daily basis? Going to school for 4 years and getting what you call a better carreer is not the best option for everyone. Plus while your laid off looking for a buisness job im working because i have a set of practical skills i can always use. Buildings and houses always need fixing. Even if i got laid off from my Union job i could be working tomorow for many contractors that i know. Im not saying you made a bad choice but dont imply that its a bad idea to work a construction job. Theres alot more training and school to it than you might realize. Sure any kid can get a job laboring for a company if you want to call that construction but to be a trained worker you need to spend years in the feild learning everyday. So fuck ilegals who think they can do our job.