I agree but disagree. I do not see a moral dilemma in this situation. Being the nice man in business will not get you far. Being the nice man, but knowing when NOT to be nice, is what will.

Business is in business to make profit. As long as the business is operating within the legal realm, there is no reason to blame them for doing something to positively enforce the company. I understand the frustration felt about illegals, and I personally have no reason to support or hire one.

But again, business today is so over-regulated that finding short-cuts, is sometimes the only option. This is one of those situations. Until the US forces non-benefits to all illegals, business will continue this way.

Blame the gov. Not the business owner.

Hiring illegals is not within the legal realm though. But i understand what you mean with needing to use every possible means to keep your buisness afloat.

please note, i am NOT saying you should work for free. i’m saying there’s a line between becoming exactly what a politician is, and becoming a good businessman.

Fix the economy KrazyKid style.

Spread the word to local PD’s. Find illegals, and deport them without notice. Show me your ID, birth cert, or SS card in the next 24 hrs. If they cant prove it, they get the boot. Sure as shit you know they will not find it, and will run. Fine, take a pic of them at the first meeting, and save it to a data base. 24hrs later, try to find them. The next time you see them, they are in the data base, and are instantly deported. Remove from data base. This needs a little work but you get the idea.

Any gov assitance needs to be governed. Welfare… each month you need to prove your trying to get off it. If you cant prove it infront of a welfare judge. Judge drops the hammer and your off it. Simple as that. If you are on welfare for over a year, and had a child, or became prego durring that year, once the pay check pops out, you get a free birthcontroll shot. Every 3 months when you are suposed to get the next shot, if you dont show up, BOOM, welfare is cut off. Fuck your rights. Workmans comp, same shit, you need to prove it every XX days. you cant prove it at your hearing, you only get one shot, BOOM your off it. Stop handing out “try again next times” to these gov assistance abusers.

All the small things add up… remember that. Cut the stupid $25 new license plates out. Take the tolls off the thruway. Start cutting back on the usless items we all aparently NEED to spend money on as per our gov. They will loose the money, but can save the money elsewhere, I am damn sure of it.

Credit card companies need to go to hell too. Stop handing out credit to 17 yearold retards and people who buy stupid shit and will never pay it off. It increase my rates, makes it harder for good bill payers to go out and finance houses, cars, etc.

the bottom line is most of the problems we have are casue by EVERYONE on this planet. And 99% of the stupid decisions are made with a “well ohh well I am going to do it anyway” attiude. More simple should I or shouldnt I do it decissions need to start happening in the world today. No more second, third or 50th chances should be given out to repeat offenders of the law. “so and so got pulled over with his 5 dwi after he crashed into someone parked at a light”… fuck that. Strike one, Strike two, your out.

with the shitty economy, sometimes they have no choice in order to keep afloat. Guys are bidding ridiculously low on jobs and barely making profit.

fuck NYS, they were supposed to remove the tolls in the late 80’s after the thruway was paid off.

Or just do like every other state and only supply welfare for one child. If you have more than one you cant afford you only get welfare for one. Pretty simple if you have one child you cant afford stop having babys. Then we wouldnt get welfare seeking low life loosers flooding our state.

BINGO. Exactly. SIMPLE fucking regulations. We can help you out, but you need to follow directions. If you cant you dont get shit.

Perfect example was that little free money hand out for welfare kids going back to school… Fuck that. $50 would be PLENTY to get cheap pads of paper, some folders, penciles and a back pack for one kid. You know what FUCK the backpack… Carry your shit, or stitch one up in HomeEcc class.

:rofl i like your ideas

  • rep to KrazyKid

Unions are good and bad. Shit barely gets done by Unions on my work place, when it is done though it looks damn good.

Yeah some union workers are pussys that think the union gives them the right to be lazy. Not all union workers are bad though.

I’m an Industrial Refrigeration Technician.

Steamfitters Union Local #7

Oh nice i had a freind that used to work with the steamfitters. He just got back from school for underwater welding. Steamfitters are stuck working in some nasty shitty areas alot due to the nature of the job.

Race to the bottom? That makes sense.

I don’t blame the government for my problems.

people bid low on jobs because there are alot more people bidding on jobs than there are jobs to go around. So you have to skim off profits just to stay in business

Dude, so easy for them to get jobs.

Depends on your target customers heavly.

My father has been in construction for 30+ years. The last 20 or so he has been running the show for a remodeling bussiness in CP. They are a small crew, 3 guys doing the work, my father getting the work and also busting ass doing the work when needed, and my brother working with them on the jobs after I stopped working there. They build HIGH end shit. We have done $100K+ kitchens, bathrooms that cost more than some peoples cars on here… Lots of things like the roofing, electrical… gets subed out to the guys he has worked with for ever too. The quality of work and the professionalism is top shelf. My father comes in to bids and often times OVERBIDS the next guy, but still gets the job. Since he has been running it, his guys were never at a loss for work in the last 20 years! That says alot.

People that underbid the shit out of the next guy are prolly bidding on bull shit jobs and they are really just hurting their bussiness in the end. Not saying if your not going to drop $20K on a solid surface counter top your bull shit, but when people penny pinch over stupid shit, no matter what the budget is, the quality of the job sinks like a stone. Your bussiness produces junk and the rep never gets better for you.

Again, if more people picked up their work ethics and quit being lazy pieces of shit, things would turn around in a hurry for the USA.

That is understandable…but quality suffers to cheap prices during rough times. Not in every single sale but It happens

This thread makes me depressed. I am going to go jump infront of a bus now. Bye guyz

Mee too. make me want to start selling crack again.