% of pay you pay in taxes?! :/

Well just getting my W2 in I’ve seen how much I pay in taxes ugh, almost makes me sick.

Needless to say, for fun take your total paid taxes / gross to get your %.

For Federal, social, medicare I’m paying 20.65% of my pay.

Including property taxes I’m at 24.85%.

So if you add in the fact that you have to pay say 6.5% sales tax here in Houston, my total amount given to uncle sam hits 31.35%

That means roughly 110 days per year I’m working for uncle sam.

I ended up being about even on my taxes this year too, so at least I’ll get the 8K first time home owner’s money. :frowning:




At what point would you draw the line and move either out of state or to another country?

I’m going to say 50% for me.

i dont want to feel sad about this… so im going to not participate.

+1, pass

+2 pass. i get over 25% taken out of every check i get. hell i got a christmas bonus for 1k, after taxes i recieved 542 bucks. ugh.

with income, property and sales taxes I’m at about 42%…but if I figure in the tax return it is more like 36%.

131 days for uncle sam…ouch.

I’m glad I can help out the breeders. :rolljerk:

I paid more in taxes this year than my fiance made working… and she makes decent money :frowning:

EDIT: and about 29% with income taxes and property taxes. I would be a hell of a lot more if it weren’t for the write offs on the rental properties.

When my wife asks about “our” tax return I tell her, “Let’s see you paid $298 in taxes last year so out of the $10,000 return you get about $1 back”. lol

$10k return? You’re doing it wrong.

^I have mentioned before with building a house and having a kid things got out of wack. lol
It won’t be quite that large this year or next.

Factoring in your 10K back what % of your income goes right to uncle sam?


I also paid more in taxes then my wife earned. :frowning:

I paid about 6K in social security, which is for my retirement correct? So does that mean I’ll recoup all that money +investing+ when I retire? Yah right.

you guys must be making some crazy loot or you wife/girls don’t make much.

Edit: I take home about 70% of my check, 20ish% goes for taxes rest is health insurance and 401k

you think you pay a high percentage in America? take a look around the world and you’ll find you’re getting a great value here still (for now)

73% of my paycheck goes to me.

… before you pay sales tax on everything you buy…

What, no state income tax in Texas? :gotme:

I know it wouldn’t be a better deal, but man some of the guys I work with in Europe get some KILLER vaca time. Plus the job atmosphere seems a lot more chill.

Nope 0%

about 30%

Your forgetting about the SS tax that your employer has to match.

OH and funny story. The federal gov. supposedly “invests” your SS money in treasury notes. But how can one pay themselves interest on their own investment?

In short, SS is a ponzi scheme. You will never get your money back.


You guys are doing it wrong, the key is to live below the poverty line. I paid about 10% not including sales tax.