Johnnie Knoxville Detroit Documentary

Yeah, another Detroit thread. But it’s entertaining. Not in a Jackass way, but more in the interviews he does. They actually put a positive spin on things and make it look like Mecca for hipsters. Urban exploring included.

“200 white kids on bikes?!?!”

I didn’t watch it, but I just wanted to say that I feel like hipsters are everywhere nowadays

and they are getting out of cars.

This disgusts me.

Bout time we see something possitive from Detroit! Great link:tup:

200 whites kids on bikes = Economic stimulus? whoda thunk. lol We just need to send these kids riding around the country! How simple?!?

that was really good

200 white kids on bikes!

As long as they’re not fixed gears :tup:

Also, Johnnie Koxville sounds like a gay porn star. :io:


LOL at people not liking hipsters, [sarcasm] thriving art and music scenes are deff a bummer. [/sarcasm]

I dislike art. And a lot of music. I dislike people that try to make a career out of them moreso.

Part 3 of 3…

“We don’t need any savors…chain stores to be the game changers…we need etnrepreneurs, artists, DIY’ers, thinkers. We want to keep the culture of making alive”

Hate on hipsters all you dbags want…but they’re doing much more for the community than you.

You think a non music and art loving hipster bashing person has any interest in doing something selfless to help their community? they don’t care just want a fat paycheck to live in suburban groundhog day. Nothing but love for my suburb homies just makes my brain hurt when the spew hate toward positive developing urban cultures. You should be supporting the shit out of the hipster movement because if white kids on bikes take over the city id say thats a HUGE step in progress over the crime and vacancy large areas see now a days.

:tup: to white kids on bikes haha.

There’s actually quite a bit of positives. It’s just so cliche for photographers to take pictures of RUIN PORN. Just look at the people on here who follow the trend but insert a shiny car. :wink:


yeah, let’s shit on people following their dreams.

The following their dreams part happens to be a side effect of the reason I dislike them. They tend to be right-brained, irrational, emotional, and unrealistic. Those are the type of people I can’t relate to and really have very little interest in hanging out with. If they don’t fit that mold, I’m probably fine with them. Also when they try to play culture snobs “You’re not cool if you like anything people have actually heard of” it really expedites the disliking process.

Now I really want slow’s. Thanks.
Good video

Hey, fuck it. These people are giving a purpose to what others would consider a waste of space.

It is also interesting to see investors come in and buy whole blocks of the city. I think anyone with some taste for risk would at least take a look. When most rundown houses are sub $10k, knock them all down and wait to see what happens.

Also last week was my first time driving east down Jefferson into Gross Point. One minute there are buildings barely standing and broken down cars, then you cross the border and huge beautiful houses and brand new porsches and audis.

Are there all kinds of historic preservation boards and zoning shit there like Buffalo that stop someone from coming in and leveling a few blocks? I think those and the urban political machine are the main reasons someone hasnt bought up super cheap parts of the east and west sides and cleaning house