look into the fp green. it is a 3" or 2 1/4" 20g housing with a billet gtx 50 trim compressor wheel and a td06 turbine.
that turbo flows plenty to hit over 365whp on the mustang dyno in ct. plus it spools crazy fast compared to your setup.
so i should spool faster and push more air while doing it. the compressor side will be the thing holding my power back but once the external wastegates open it will flow like a bigger turbine.
people use the garrett wheels in alot of different turbos. a hybrid 20g setup properly is hard to beat under 400whp mustang power. on a subaru.
also a fp red is a 20g with a gtx 60 trim compressor and a 9 blade td06 compressor.
theres soo many 20g’s out you cant say they all spool faster and will not make as much top end.
19 days until i am complete