Jons 2004 Subaru WRX Chargespeed Super GT Widebody

well, for one, 130*C is NOT a very good operating temp for oil. :rofl

and is the middle gauge exterior temp? WHAT THE FUCK

They are tilted for a RHD car, right? :lol

Yeah I was thinking thesame thing steve but i cant tell for sure

OHH I thought you were talking about the gauge faces being clocked…

My friends WRX has the same looking gauge pod, the pod itself isnt tilted at all they face straight out…

I am talking about them being clocked, shouldnt they be clocked towards the right if your sitting on the left???

No? If you clocked them facing the other way, the needles would be facing down at peak…

I guess it depends on the gauge and where the operating area you need is.

How my gauge are now, if I tilted them the other way… The needles would at the bottom at peak…

IDK why other people do it, but I have mine clocked so that at peak IE. My Oil Press/Boost needles are straight up

shuttup faggots

I just think that’s weird, so to read the words on the gauges you’ll have to tilt your head to the left :lol

Straight gauges ftw

the fuck did I just say steven

LOL yeah I hope that shit isnt idleing at 260F when that pic was taken! Hello SLUDGE!

my custom swivel gauge is great. it’s tilted when i feel JDM, straight when i feel baller

the problem here is you didnt buy a car, you bought a bad reputation. The last owner was such a tool and beat the living snot out of the car. He would race right in front of the lot without thinking twice about it. Its good to see a that potential in the right hands though, but honestly i wouldnt give two shits what these clowns think on here anyways

ive seen this car a bunch of times in town. i live in cobleskill

and stop refering to it as a tokyo drift car, it was in the back drop of once scene, stock cars with rims were shown more then this car.

Yo dawg lets do some tandem

pics of car drifting NOW!!!

god damn last time i saw this it had a cracked windshield and front bumper was fuckeddd,and he raced adam witht he SRT4 every weekend and got his ass handed to him,this was also like 2-3 years ago

does it look like this?

it did a long long time ago :rofl