jpg vs jpeg HELP!!!

Electronic equipment hates me.:biglaugh:

1)I buy a digital picture frame.
2)It doesn’t take Sony cards.(Yeah, I have grown to hate Sony)
3)The guy at the Shack tells me no problem just buy an SD card
4)Now I need a SD drive, no problem only $20.
5)Plug it in, download pictures to card.
6)Plug into picture frame.
8)Read box, need jpeg not jpg.
9)What now?
10)Why is nothing simple with electronics?
11) Can anyone help me please?

I mean for Christ’s sakes I just want to look at some pictures.
Do I need to be a computer geek to look at pictures?

What kind of picture frame is it?

lol just change the extension lol… jpeg and jpg are the samething


silly goose.

I thought about that but in the past it says “this may corrupt the file” so I was skurd. lol

Seriously though WTF?

When I used to play video casstte tapes it was so easy.
Now it’s blu ray, hd blah blah blah.
Oh wait I am showing my age.

back everything up and you can corrupt away… who cares at that point.

you can’t corrupt just by changing the extension… if it says it can’t view it just change it back to the original extension.

If it opens up and saves over the original file there may be some kind of corruption… but JPEG to JPG will open the same way…

its not like making a JPEG to .doc opening it in word seeing a billion gay characters and saving it… through encoding weirdness it corrupts the file…

But hell it can only be < 1GB of pics… just copy them to a new folder… and if it fucks up then use the back up, if you are paranoid of losing pics of your dog licking your ass

Just some simple file renaming, I made it easy for you.

Put this where your pictures are located, run it and it will change them all to .jpg, enjoy.

Granted you are cynical as an 80 year old, but aren’t you only like 38 or something? :stuck_out_tongue:

^Yeah, you know why?

The thing is taunting me by displaying EASY TO USE…


I am waiting for Ashton Kutcher to walk into my office.

What model frame?

HP df300a1

I tried calling the 800 number before lunch but of course they are west coast.
If I get an Idian on the phone I will snap.

in for the phone call

dont know if i like the new name yet

The name sucks

Don’t worry, nanotechnology will save you. The nano bots are going to shift position in a nano mosaic that makes up the pictures for you. Don’t worry though the nanos have nothing to do with computing.

:lol: at thinking there is even the slightest chance you’re going to get someone in the US answering tech support calls for a digital picture frame.

It might be easier to just pay a Mexican to stand there with printouts of all your pictures and just show you a different one every 30 seconds or so.