Umm I thought I recall him saying he was running an Ebay turbo? I dont care im not knocking him for it, ive seen a few hondas and DSM build thread with ebay turbos that make serious numbers… If you read a few of my posts about the subject you’d notice I “defended” them as they are no longer held together by glue and when balanced properly can last quite some time
And Arod again im not bashign you I was just wondering as to why you had the chute…
Your car is pretty impressive none the less, cant wait to see it hit the 9’s
Whats a blow off valve have to do with anything? I’m not running high boost so backpressure is minimal, so its not a big deal. Granted its better to have it, but untill I get my IC setup I don’t feel like having to buy a flange and have someone weld onto the stock pipeing
:rofl @ not understanding why a 140+mph car needs a chute.
OT, the cars I reallllyyy want to see go at it is Arod’s hatch on race gas, Dan’s 4088r integra on race gas, whalen’s 4088r on race gas, and brooks’ car on race gas…:ohnoes:ahh
you are dumb man. 10.3 @ 140 is a major accomplishment. and its early in the season. and if youve noticed, both cars are running pretty well, alberto will hit 9’s and Juan will hit a 10 on the setup hes got now.
+1 both cars are solid. If I remember right, Alberto and Juan said there’s a total of $5k into the teal hatch and it’s knocking on 10’s door trapping 126-127mph…That’s reallll good if you ask me.