JRP Auto Can Suck My…

Not to mention there horrible customer service and there fairly high prices. I decided to buy a 56$ lug nut set off them, second day the key brakes with the wheels on my car. I return with the receipt explaining how they broke and how I didn’t even use any air tools. They said we don’t have any refunds or returns on these items. Of course I argue about it, but that doesn’t help. We come to an agreement that in a week the store should get a shipment of just the key and I could buy that off them, or I woudl have to buy a whole new set. Three and a half weeks later they still don’t have a shipment. This guy has thrown so many lies at me, and if it wasn’t for my friend having a key that fits I would still have my low pros on for the winter. I still am screwed if I pop a tire.
Just venting…

Dont worry the shipment is coming in this tuesday…

Or so I hear every time I need somthing.

ya they are shit , i waited almost 2 months for a set of arp studs from them , trust me i heard it all from jrp


Don’t worry, the shipment is coming in tomorrow at 1pm. I’ll call you.

i have broken/destroyed 3 7 sided keys
american racing/motegi

$7 each

i am over it

glad i didnt buy somethin uniquely

these guys are complete retards. this one dude at the front seriously needs a pump shotty fired to his face. he promised me a bunch of shit for my s13 that would be shipped to them soon and how i could pick it up, but it kept getting delayed to a point where it took 4 months. horrible guys with horrible customer service.

will never return to them again

jrp is good when u have an account with them

then they kiss ur ass

Very Very true!

all the vendors on here can get any thing they can anyways…use them (intense, Varun, me, AMS, Etc.)

i can get eveyrthing JRP can get but it’s usally just not worth it for me to do unless its a large order.

They want $7500.00 for a Sr20 - No turbo, No manifold, basically a block. Seems fair…

there is a built sr there i think they want like 5,000 for it. but its been sitting for quite some time.

Pantaloons is 100% correct.

me being 20 years old look like any other kid walking around in a auto store. once they recognize me or i tell them who i am…it’s a different story. they are ass holes. don’t give a shit about you or your money.

yet once you get an account…like i have for my father and my self. it’s totally different. service, prices…everything changes.

yet you gotta see it from their view. they are dealing 75% of the time with complete idiots with nothing but…dreams. what do they care. that’s their gin n’ juice. soak the stupid kids that will keep coming back.

yet without the contracts…they would have nothin’.

Editted for content.

guess that would be the proper way to put it…dreams.
etto i guess. to me however, a lot of them are simply idiots with mommy and daddy’s moonies. maybe even their own. who knows. all i do know
is i have seen some kids dumb massive amounts of money on tires/rims, bov and the such.