June 01 Board Meeting Minutes

Ok guys, we had a board meeting last night - and here are the issues that were discussed.

  1. Banner ads on webpage - Namely, how they’ll be handled through the current webpage architecture. This led to:

  2. NECC webpage overhaul. The general consensus is that the main page should be upgraded to something more modern, useful, and attractive. We’ll need to find someone to design this webpage for little or no money.

  3. Sponsorships - This was the big issue of the night. The consensus was that we would offer a 2 tier system of sponsorship, depending on the value of the sponsor.

The two levels of sponsorship would be “Sponsors” and “Affiliates”.
Sponsors pay a fee to the club(~$200), and in exchange their logo and a link to their website will appear on NECC official flyers and similar documents, a forum on the webpage that they control, a logo on the main page and banner ads inside the website. For certain sponsors, banners MAY be printed up to more prominently display that sponsor’s name at event and shows. In addition, this level of sponsor will be given free participation admittance to official NECC events. (I.E. One shop car entered at the hotlapping for free.)

Affiliates are sponsors that are unwilling to pay the club a fee, but will provide discounts on products or services to NECC members. In exchange, affiliates will get small logos placed on NECC flyers, a banner ad on the page, and a text listing on the front page.

  1. NECC Carwash - Idea floated about a bikini carwash set up at Cali Automotive to raise funds for the club. Between Flavio and Mike we should be able to round up enough ladies, no? :smiley:

  2. Club Invite BBQ - June 18th will be the NECC’s first club invite BBQ of the year. So, if you know someone in another car club, mention the BBQ to them and have them drop by! The NECC will be providing the BBQ and the propane, all the other clubs need to bring with them is food. We need to invite other clubs out quickly, as this has not been done yet.

  3. Calgary Chaper Setup - Discussed the possibility of making the Calgary guys an official NECC chapter. Pending a few issues like leadership down there, and making sure they they represent the club in a positive light. Looks positive!

  4. Booth Babes - Also discussed was the possibility of getting member’s girlfriends and friends to rep the NECC at DTP Edmonton. Women’s NECC shirts have been made already, so we just need some girls to fill them so we can win best club rep at DTP E.

  5. DTP Edmonton Car setup/layout - Discussed the pros and cons of the booth setup at DTP C and what could be done to improve on it. Several car layouts were suggested, and more serious planning will happen when we find out the booth location and size for DTP E.

  6. SCN Calgary setup/attendance - Talked about whether the club should rep at SCN in Calgary. General opinion was that we should if possible, but with a small number of cars (3-5).

  7. D-Sport discounts - Talked about possible discounts with D-sport for their events that are not held at Bud Park. The more club rep we get out for the D-Sport events, the more likely it is that club members can get a discount for other events such as Stratotech lapping days, etc.

  8. Lapping Day July 23. The other big topic. Discussed:
    a) number of attendees to let run on the track (Ie. Let more in or let more laps be run by less). Consensus was 20-30 paid cars.

b) Pre-registration will be available. This would entail people handing over the fee through the internet to save their space at the event. If not enough pre-paying attendees are available, then attendees that show up will be signed up in first come, first served fashion.

c) Registration document - currently being worked on by me. When complete, it should lay out all the details of the event and rules/tech rules, etc.

d) We should get an electronic system set up so people can register online if possible. Karelo seems to be the popular choice, but failing that interested people can email me and I’ll add them to the master list.

e) Also discussed was the possibility of letting people pay for single laps instead of paying the whole amount all at once. If this did happen, it would only likely be after a registered/paid attendee buggered off.

There ya go. LONGEST…POST…EVAR! :E

booth babes are a MUST!!! what kind of age limit are u looking for? HAHA…

Well, considering no sex would likely be involved (at least near the cars, in public :E), any age would likely be fine. :slight_smile:

Don’t you Lethbridge guys DARE show up with any underage Mormons… :E

Was the EZCC show n’ shine brought up in the meeting (which is on the same day)? The reason I ask is we just had our monthly Z club meeting tonight and I said at that meeting that I didn’t know how many cars from NECC are planning to come to our show this year but that it was at least listed on your events calendar. And I also mentioned that you guys have your BBQ on the same day and had extended an invite to EZCC members to come to that after the show if they wish.

What time do the BBQ activities start? The car show usually wraps up around 4pm.


Was the EZCC show n’ shine brought up in the meeting (which is on the same day)? The reason I ask is we just had our monthly Z club meeting tonight and I said at that meeting that I didn’t know how many cars from NECC are planning to come to our show this year but that it was at least listed on your events calendar. And I also mentioned that you guys have your BBQ on the same day and had extended an invite to EZCC members to come to that after the show if they wish.

What time do the BBQ activities start? The car show usually wraps up around 4pm.[/quote]
Yes we did briefly discuss the EZCC show and thought it would be a good idea if you guys showed up after the show. Our BBQ will probably start in between 5 and 6 at hawrelak so you guys are more than welcomed to come on down after. Its would be a good opportunity for the NECC guys and Z guys to interact.