Jury Duty Question, Again

First off, no I’m not looking to get out of it. Secondly, yes I did a search, couldn’t find an answer to my question on any of the other threads or on the wny jurors website, so thought maybe someone here might have some insight on the situation.

The report date for my term was today, 1/30/12, and I don’t know how I did it, but I completely forgot about it and never called. So I called the number when I got home today, which is after the 6 pm time they tell you to call, and the message was still talking about jurors to report on Monday. My number wasn’t included in the message and said to go about your usual business. I called a second time just to confirm this, and the message still referred to jurors reporting on Monday. Am I missing something? Or do they not update the message if they don’t need additional jurors?

i think its updated once a week on Sunday? so you would call again next week to hear the new numbers of them to say its all set. i think

Do you still have the sheet they sent you in the mail? Mine had instructions for when to call - I know I was supposed to call each day and it had updated instructions for the following day (come in the morning, call in the afternoon, or you’re off the hook).

Im sitting in jury duty right now you just keep following the instructions everyday. Make sure your cell phone battery has a full charge and downloaD super stick man golf