Jury duty?

I know there have been threads like this before but i cant seem to find them.I just got a summoning form for jury duty in august.Is there any good way to get out of it.I’m scheduled for august 20th ,but i have a ton of stuff with school, work, and family and stuff and i just plain out don’t feel like doing/ having the time to do that shit.

Ive heard many different ways , like saying your prejudice, you have school and stuff to attend,etc. Is there any good excuse to get out of it?? thanks guys

im sure they hear that shit everyday, all day long from people trying to get out of it.

just go and hope they dont need you.

edit: i think with school you can get it pushed back, but only so far.

Actually, I think school is one of their accepted excuses. But you’re in school Aug 20th? Just calling and saying you have class is not going to work, you’ll need to provide proof.

just be honest and say you are very busy with school… when I had it last year this got people out.

this is a very important part of being a citizen and it’s very cowardly to lie your way out.

i really dont have the time or the ambition to go.August is always a really busy month for me then school starts on sept 4th and i deff wont be able to go then.As for being cowardly to not go , i could care less, im not a judge, nor do i know the plaintiff or defendant in the trial so why would i should i go.I just don’t think its right that you are forced to go to something like this.

you dont think its right because you dont want to do it.

just call the number and on the sumon and postpone the summon…its all touch tone and takes 3 minutes

edit: i just did this today actually…and when they sumon me in 6 months i’ll tell them about school

I think you can request a certain time period to postpone to? They shouldn’t give you any trouble.


i really dont have the time or the ambition to go.August is always a really busy month for me then school starts on sept 4th and i deff wont be able to go then.As for being cowardly to not go , i could care less, im not a judge, nor do i know the plaintiff or defendant in the trial so why would i should i go.I just don’t think its right that you are forced to go to something like this.


LOL, you don’t think its right to serve jury duty, but you want to vote…

Heaven forbid you have to do something for your country, State, county, or town.

this is as bad as signing up for the army and saying you can’t be bothered to go to war.

You can postpone it once for up to 6 months. I did it once because of school

There is a few thiongs you can do.

If you are in school and working, my friend went in and spoke to the judge and said that he was a full time college student and working full time over the summer to pay for school. Before he got out another word, he was excused.

If you actually get asked questions in the selection by a lawyer, I was told you can say things within reason. Do not say you are racist. Things that do work is something along the lines of: “I believe anyone who is arrested is guilty”. Lawyers will get rid of you.


LOL, you don’t think its right to serve jury duty, but you want to vote…

Heaven forbid you have to do something for your country, State, county, or town.


lol i dont want to vote , im against whatour whole government has been doing all together.

thanks for the advice guys, for those that are offering some and not saying i should just go.


thanks for the advice guys, for those that are offering some and not saying i should just go.


Go do your civic duty, or postpone it as suggested. Either way, eventually you will have to appear - you can’t just not go. Well, you can, but are the potential consequences worth facing just because you’re lazy?

Alot of the “how to get out of jury duty” advice being dispensed is nonsense, and won’t get you out any quicker. It will simply get you assigned to another room to sit in for the day. The best excuse is school, if you can prove selection to a jury will conflict with your schedule.

Good luck…if you get selected, pray to heaven, hell, or whatever will listen that you don’t get chosen for a medical malpractice suit - after two weeks of that you’ll want to slit your wrists.

you can postpone it i did but you will have to do it eventually. I just got done with it on monday the person took a deal so the case was thrown out and once your done you are free from it for 8 years


you can postpone it i did but you will have to do it eventually. I just got done with it on monday the person took a deal so the case was thrown out and once your done you are free from it for 8 years


just postponed mine, and its 7 years. school will work for the postponment though or you don;t give one, postpone and use it for when u scheudle the new date. But when you postpone, mail it in, i did mine over the phone and got a letter saying i was in contempt!


lol i dont want to vote , im against whatour whole government has been doing all together.


go outside the country… and see what the other countries are like… then come back here and appreciate the USA… regardless if you have to do jury duty one time in 8 years


You don’t have a VALID reason to not do jury duty. Get some damn ambition and do your duty as a citizen. You’re just too damn lazy.

If you ever get arrested, I hope you don’t get a trial by jury, and are just thrown straight in prison.

As a jury member, you are MORE important than the court judge. You determine the outcome of the case, and people’s lives.

And you don’t vote, yet you just had the audacity to bitch about the government doing a poor job.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.

I believe my wife is scheduled for the same time as you. She has a number in the 1200s and probably won’t get called in. I had a number in the 1300s and I didn’t end up having to go.

Either way, be part of the system and do it if you are called in.