so I got a summons in the mail for jury duty, its my first time, whats everyones best excuses for getting out of it? I need a good one
you hate towel heads jews and niggers and you hate lawyers
I always say that
There’s no Burger King downtown…
tell them everyone is guilty you are a republican
btw do not spend the whole nine dollars on a record player
carry a copy of Liberlism is a Mental Disorder.
I’m a volunteer firefighter, so that’s my excuse. Glad I never had to do jury duty!
" I’ll do it on 1 condition, No taxes for a year "
They ask standard questions, like if you know anyone involved, or if you know anything about the trial, and if you have any preconcieved notions. Just say yes to one of them.
Tell them a family member is a cop
and tell them cops are always correct
When I got summoned, I wanted to do it. I figured it would be worth checking out and seeing what it was like, at least once. Am I the only one who ever thought that?
I just got one last month and told them due to my busy work schedule this time of year and a lot of traveling that I would be unable to go. They deferred me until spring/summer. I didn’t get picked for a jury last time because in the survey it asked if your religious values would override laws and I said yes and I said that I would trust a cop’s word over the word of the person on trial if it was a “he said, she said” situation. So, I got a day off of work and got to watch movies on my laptop in the lounge until like 3:00 and then got to go home. It’s really not that bad.
i received a summons last month. but had it postponed till spring.
how about you just man up and do your civic duty, you fucking twat.
I got one last month…have to call on Thursday to see if i gotta go.
I got summoned last year. I went to Greens courthouse and paid for a days worth of parking in the meter and went into the building and got in line etc etc etc. Well, turns out that apparently someone screwed up because when I showed up my juror number wasn’t supposed to be at that trial, but at the same time everything I had said that day. They sent me home. I was pissed because I paid for parking already and 3 friends of mine had the same one. I was actually interested to see what shook down, but I don’t know yet. I’m sure I’ll get another go soon enough. As mentioned, worst case scenario show up and do the selection thing. It’s pretty easy to just say one thing wrong and be out of selection. So you could always do that.
i got early this month. i just told them i was starting school