Jury Duty

:stupid: it isn’t going to kill you. be a fucking american.

yea…im not going to miss my first week of classes just to go do some gay ass jury duty

i have had jury duty once before.

school is a legitimate excuse, my comment was aimed at people who think of excuses just to get out of it because they don’t want to.

plus the first week of school is just them going over the syllabus anyways:tounge:

Jury duty doesnt pay near as much as your job would. If it meant to miss work, I would think of many reasons not to go.

well the main reason is I will be out of town for work and be coming back into town on a red eye flight from california the day Im due to be in court ie, landing at 7am due in court as of 8:30 am

Can’t say I disagree. I’ve been in jury duty Thursday and Friday and I have to go back tomorrow. It’s better than driving to work.

If it did not come certified you can just ignore it.

I don’t want to go do jury duty. The pay Isn’t that to match what I make so that’s why I wouldn’t want to do it. As for being an american I leave for basic training in march so I pretty sure I qualify for that.

if it wasnt for that then i would just get it over with…but im paying for school might as well go

You aren’t going to get “basic training sympathy” from me. I’m going on my 2nd deployment in april. trying playing your wanna be military cards somewhere else.

pay isn’t great, but neither is the military’s. Hope you know you are going to be getting paid 27k/year being deployed. The point is, it’s your duty as an American citizen to participate, regardless of pay. If you don’t like it, you should just move to Canada or something. There are plenty of people trying to get into the country that will make the sacrifice of loosing a week’s worth of pay to be in this country.

Sorry, in my book, an illegal immigrant is more American than you. atleast an illegal has the excuse of not legally being able to participate in jury duty, as opposed to you who “just doesn’t like the pay”

Not looking for basic training sympathy douche. I want to go.I’ll be damn glad to serve in the armed service my MOS pretty much say your going to iraq or a combat zone. I’m not going to fish for thanks that’s bullshit I will do my job help people and that’s it. I would think someone who is willing to put there life on the line and serve X amount of miles away thier families would understand that to be more “american” than serving jury duty.

This coming for the guy who hasn’t even been to basic training, says his MOS “says he’s going to Iraq.” Here’s some words of advice. Your MOS means damn near nothing, if you are going active duty, about you being deployed. They don’t deploy you on your MOS. They deploy your unit. Unless you are reserve/national guard, MOS is negligible. And obviously you know nothing about being an American, if you can’t fathom the idea of jury duty. I bet you are also one of those faggots who say they don’t agree with the war, but don’t bother voting. The only thing you’ve proved about being an American, in this thread, is that you were competant enough to sign a contract and that you were able to pass the ASVAB (for you non-military people, that’s the test you have to pass in order to get into the military).

Pretty sure a medic has a increased chance of going to a combat zone vs a firefighter. I actually do agree why we are over there! Voting haha it’s a joke anyways, who really stick to what they will say they will do. It all voting for a lesser evil IMO, so I will take that advice and not go.

Pretty sure that on active duty, 99% of the people being deployed get deployed by their units, not by their MOS. and seeing how in the past 2 years the military has redone it’s construction and how every brigade is suppose to sustain itself, that every MOS will be found in each brigade. You wouldn’t know that because, at the moment, you are only a wannabe. You don’t know two shits about the military, and apparently being a citizen of the United States.

Voting is a joke… typical.

You agree to what we are fighting for over there? really? http://pittspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31438 you are contradicting yourself.

like I said. Unamerican. move to mexico or canada or something. There are plenty of mexicans trying to get into the country that will serve jury duty and vote.

Stop talking now.

danhr :love:

16 yr multiple combat and disabled vet here :beer:

Black boots white laces

I like how people say all the excuses about being a racist or doing whatever, but honestly I think they see right thru that shit.

I had jury duty during the summer last year. I go down, with my laptop, hanging out watching movies and playing flight simulator (with a joystick in the waiting room, haha)

Anyways, I get picked to be in the first group to get selected for a guy from the Hill slinging rock and heroin. I go up to the two lawyers and the defendant is there and they ask me all the standard stuff. Two of my best friends are cops (one local one state boy), my father was a convicted felon because of his involvement in a local “crew”, etc… I said I’d believe a cop before anyone else (which is true) and that I don’t watch CSI (they actually asked that). The final question they asked was “do you beleive you can determine if someone is guilty just by looking at them?” and I said in some cases yes. Now this guy that was on trial just looked like a cracked out drug hustler. Thought there was no way they’d put me on the trial.

I was the first one picked and ended up being the foreperson. Oh well. I enjoyed the hell out of it, it was neat. Just takes far too long, too many breaks where they have to take you out of the room while the lawyers argue about some stupid shit.

You can say in a perfect world everything is covered in semen…and there is a semen database.

I gotta call on March 3 to see if I have to go.