Getting out of Jury Duty



here is the deal. i couldn’t go to my original date because i had an exam. so stupid me rescheduled it for june 9th. we have a big customer appreciation at work june 11th. it is sort of a big deal. we have a lot of people from out of town coming, i have a lot of people i need to be there for, etc etc etc. there are about 3-400 people coming, not to mention it’s a good time.

SO, im in a bit of a predicament. I am #34. WHAT are the best things to say/do to get rejected? i know the whole racist thing is played out and doesnt work, but its good to know people in law enforcement to be biased. that being said, i know some cops, and am close friends with two corrections officers…

so any tips?


tell them the case reminds you of something… a book, a movie, another case…

:gotme: lol

Whatever the crime is say that you, or someone close to you was the victim of said crime and you could not give a non biased objective view of the situation given you are predisposed to say guilty.

i got summoned to goto a hearing, and it was only 1 day, so 2 days total.


tell them you would be biased which ever way u want…or if they ask you if u have ever been robbed…say yes…stuff like that

but you get paid to go :gotme:

I wouldn’t really call that pay…

when your sitting there for jury duty selection just say…

“Awful lot of honkies in here”


Tell them for every minute your in the courtroom, you’ll kill a lamb.



f’n LOL!!! :clap:

just walk in and say guilty before they even ask a question :gotme:

You are racist… problem solved

:biglaugh: that was good

show up naked.

Start hitting on who ever is asking you the questions. Guy or girl, it doesn’t matter.

Isn’t it against your religion if you are jehovah witness?

im pretty sure there is a form you can fill out if you absolutely have to miss it due to work, and if they feel it is legit they will waive you

I’m pretty sure “a party” is not a legit reason.