Jury Duty

I will probably have to go tomorrow. I didn’t get called up today, and my number grouping looks like its next in line. I have a lot of shit going on with school, being exam week, and sitting downtown all day is not high on my list of shit to do. I already postponed it once, so looks like im stuck? How do you guys get out of this, just say your biased or some nonsesne? school me

if I recall correctly…there has been at least one thread regarding this process.

tell them you just smoked a rock…you’ll be dismissed

Just be honest, tell them you’re a student and have exams to worry about. Jury duty would be imposing an unreasonable hardship on your studies. They will dismiss you.

Ya call and say you have school. You might have to pick a day over the summer to be selected again but hey, its life.

I have been called twice. Once I showed up and sat all day and was supposed to end up on a grand jury trial but it got canceled. The second time I told them when I showed up and went infront of the judge and lawyer that I live in the city and am biased. If someone is arrested, then they are already guilty in my eyes.

I was dismissed in 30 seconds. Lol.

I would love to serve jury duty, sadly I’ll never be chosen. :frowning:

this didnt happen

Probably not. If you did actually do something like this you could be fined for contempt of court.

lol. you should have just told them you didn’t want to be a juror for someone who is black because you don’t want to get HIV.

this isn’t the chapelle show or something

you can’t get off like that anymore even though you think you can…

you have a chance once your in the court room to raise your hand and see the judge and the lawyers in a seperate room before they do all of the selecting… im sure if you tell them about school and what not they will understand, they did for me a few weeks back.

i cant wait to do jury duty, im jealous

Why wouldn’t you want to go? Its a legal excuse to not work, to relax for the day, and get paid. Plus, you meet tons of interesting people and learn a thing or two. Its not nearly as bad as the movies make it out to be.

Yeah, it’s not that bad. I never got picked but served for 2 days waiting… depending on how many people show up you might not even get picked (and you’ll still be good for 8 years or whatever it is)

Why not bring your books/laptop with you so you can study there? You’re more than likely going to have a lot of downtime. Make sure you get there 15-20min early so you can get a table :tup:

He would first need to have a job, to look forward to missing work

I hate all the people that try to weasel out of it. I hope you never need a jury for something in your life. I was called last week and really wanted to do it, but unfortunately it was a car accident case and my sister was recently in a car accident with injury, so I couldn’t sit unbiased. Just go and hear it out, its not like you can’t study at night, and you’re a liar if you tell me you study from 9-5.

I want to serve on a jury real bad but i have never been picked… alot of my family and friends have but im still waiting.

I didnt know they gave you money to show up? thats a bonus. I just dont need more shit on my pate this week and i hate going downtown. But guess i dont have to worry at least for tomarrow. I just called they are only calling up 536-755 or something like that tomarrow and my number is over 1000, so i have to call back again tomarrow after 6. This also pisses me off, jerking around like this. I cant make any def plans or request a different exam time etc.

blow me

who gives a fuck, that is why they call up 1500 people so they can pick 12. People who dont do dick with their lives love this shit!

its actually 12 people out of 30ish per trial. they call 600 people because there are many trials going on at once.

Then this is a job for im :eekdance: