Jury Duty

Anyone ever get summoned for jury duty here? I got the questionaire yesterday and am not looking forward to it. The ways to get out of it directly were very limited but I am hoping to just not be selected. I made sure to include my prior convictions and also made sure that my newly-found blood disorder was hyped up. I am going to see my Dr. on Monday about a legit note. If for some reason they do summon me past this questionaire what can I expect? Is there an interview type thing or something? Should I pretend to be a blatent racist?

I know Beth got the dreaded letter about a month ago. Not positive what she is doing about it.

Jury duty is not so bad. I did it once in Washington County. You just sit in a room and read books all week. My company also pays regular salary for jury duty, so that wasn’t a problem.

I was selected for a jury, but then they settled immediately with no trial.

In Allegheny, I am pretty sure you call in the morning and they tell you if you need to come in. My mom had jury duty for a week and didn’t have to do anything.

i went for allegheny county, sat at the court house all day didnt get selected, got a check for 13 bucks…boring as hell

I just got the letter this week, too. I think it is my responsibility to do this even if it makes some problems. I’d rather have some say in things to avoid the stupidity that comes out of our courts - that lady who sued McD’s because the coffee was too hot (in her opinion) is one example… I have found that the people most likely to dodge this civic duty are also the ones most likely to be intelligent enough to participate. The people who go for this stuff are the ones with time (e.g. they don’t have a job).

A number of years ago I was brought in on jury duty and put on the stand to be selected as a juror. It appeared (based on the questions from the lawyers) that the case involved vehicular homicide and the defendant had been drinking. No real details were provided but I looked over at the defendant (in his 20’s like me at the time) and pictured myself in that situation and told the people in the courtroom that if I were him, I’d just want a “fair shake” which was the truth. I was selected for the jury but he ended up copping a plea…

Sitting around waiting doesn’t sound too enticing to me. I doubt my employer would pay my regular rate to be there. Does anyone know what (if?) the court pays you anything for being there? I’m not in a situation where I can take a pay cut to go sit around and wait to be selected. I’d much rather go to work and not get backlogged in work. It would be nice to be a good citizen and do ‘right thing’, but it is inconvienent to me financially and mentally. I am also going to assume it’s not a local jury since it came from Allegheny Co. and I am in Beaver Co.

you shouldnt have to go if you dont live in allg. county. and they prob will pay 15 bucs or something ridiculously low and your emp. technically should refund you the rest of your pay minus the 15 bucs. (not sure of it though) my mom has been called about 4 times in the past 10 years. not selected 2 times one time was for a DUI and one was for a domestic abuse. (girls boo came home while she was getting it on with another guy)

Go for it, See how the system works or doesn’t. :rofl:

My dad didn’t look forward to it but he said he loved it

You can tell them you are needed on your job, can’t take off. They will let you go. Otherwise, the racist thing will work, they’ll cut you loose early.

tell them that you hate the police… thats how i know people got out…

negative… my buddy tried it and the defendant said that he liked his honesty and got picked for it

same thing as above

i went a couple months ago, but both trials scheduled that day got settled out of court so everyone got to go home at 1 and we served our civic duty :cool:

I always just toss them in the garbage. If it isn’t certified mail, prove I got it. But if you do want to send it back, just play up the race and death penilty cards, they wont select you…

i was picked for jury duty once when i lived in westmoreland county and i told them i didnt have a ride there and they said do you have a drivers license and i said no and they made me fax them a paper stating i didnt drive but that was 6 years ago and i never got summoned again lol…

I was picked for Armstrong County. I had my boss type up a letter stating I wouldn’t be paid for being at jury duty. Then I typed a letter pretty much stating the same thing and claimed financial hardship. I just recieved a notice on friday that I don’t have to go now. YAY!

Damn you John. I just got one in the mail today :frowning:

Anyways, I don’t know how I’m going to get out of it, but I’ll figure something out.

Well, I’m with tom vito on this one. It wasn’t certified so I never got it. I’m gonna let it sit and not respond. If they send me one certified - then I’ll worry about getting out of it.

Sean - was yours for allegheny county?

If our court system didn’t waste so much time and money, it wouldn’t be worth it to us to go through so much effort to get out of it. The real crime is how screwed up the judicial system is.

Yeah, Allegheny County. I have to check in to see if im needed anytime after 4PM on 4/3/07.

All it takes is three small words n trhey will not except u, u might want to PM me for those words :lmao: