Jury Duty.......

So here I am in Buffalo court house on Jury Duty… any one else been here? This sux… but thank GOD for the WIFI…

u picking up the Erie Basin Marina signal on buffalowifi.org…i am right around the corner from u

i had it…but when i went in, i went to check in, they didnt have my name on file, so i had to go to a differant window, get there, my name wasnt in the cpu at all, theyre like “go home, see you in 10 years” that was sweet

Happy Birthday!!

if they asked u if u r house was ever robbed say YES

went a few years ago, got out of it

tell em your racist, or say u have a.d.d. ive heard that works too

i have to sit here and listen to everyones life story and how crappy thier life is.

on the entire Question form I put “N/A” for everything…

well, your in for a fun ride then. enjoy.

i like find out that thier are people in this county that have it “Worse” then me. I wish i could tape some of these people.

t-down NO HOT CHICK! Not even ify~ify, just ones that will keep you warm on this cold buffalo day…< but they might eat everything out of the vending machine >


i was on a federal grand jury for 30 days…prolly the most fun i ever had…hearing all this bullshit that went in and around town…


i guess thats why you didnt call me back to get lunch.

Sorry- lets hook up Fri, before i leave for the navy

My uncle said his friend got out of it by telling the lady on the phone he was blind. :lol:

I highly doubt they’d let that excuse fly now.

yeah jury duty sucks. I had it last year. I was number 990 called for that week. I then got called into a court room for the interviewing. made it through day one, then day two, on the third day I made mention that I had a bias towards the case and got out of it. Figuring in cost of driving, parking, lunch, etc I was making about $20 for a day from doing jury duty. I had bills to pay and the case was BS so i was out.

^ now that i am here i am fine but, this stuff is funny

jury dudty wasn’t bad, but i got the boot in the first round. The guy who said he was racist had to stay. it was weird.

I got out of it…they just didn’t need me. I think this was 3 years ago…so, I have minimum of 5 years before they call me back again. :tup:

and i am done! woot, woot… now where did i put my snowmobile…